42: Lan Zhan confronts Cheng and someone is coming for Wei Ying

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That day Lan Zhan took Wei Ying to his own room and tended to his wounds himself so they would only take a week or so to heal almost totally. They slept in the same bed and ate their meals together. Lan Zhan bathed Wei Ying every day before taking him to bed. Two weeks later Lan Zhan finally allowed Wei Ying to leave their room only for the first person they run face first into was Jiang Cheng and a small group of boys, they had been walking to the cold pool. Lan Zhan felt ready to explode but Wei Ying took his hand with one of his smiles and he calmed down, however, he would not stop saying what he needed to say.

'Sect Heir Jiang Cheng ... I have every intention of removing Wei Ying from your sect and bringing him into mine, where he will never again be attacked.'

'Lan Zhan ... calm down. I told you, there was nothing he could have done, and Auntie Yu changed when I ...' He stopped when he felt his face held between his lovers' hands and pulled nose to nose. He actually needed to hold on to Lan Zhan's arms when his knees went week at the overpowering look of possessiveness.

'Only because you would be upset with me is he getting away with that. Not to mention terrorising you with threats of dogs after everything you went through on the streets.' He stopped when Wei Ying kissed him lightly. 'This body still bares the scares of those attacks.'

'Just what am I ever going to do with such a protective and possessive lover?'

'Enjoy it.' He gave him a small smile.

They both ignored the coughing and spluttering of the small group of trainees who watched and heard every word.

'Do as I say and agree to never go back.'

'Oh come on Zhan, you know I'm yours. What you say, I will do ... um ... within reason.'

'What reason?'

'Well ...' he smiled a cheeky smile and whispered into his lovers ear so none heard a single word only to have Lan Zhan tremble. 'Would you agree?'

'I agree.' He just could not help the smile that broke out before he actually laughed aloud. 'I really do not think I will ever win against you my Wei Ying.' He then pulled him in and kissed him hard.

The people around then quickly dispersed and whispered voices faded into the distance.

'Way to let people know Lan Zhan.'

'Yes, I know a few of them will have it spread that no one is to touch you before the next meal.'

'That right there is my possessive lover.'

'No more flirting with ...'

'I only ever did that for free food.' He stroked Lan Zhan's cheek. 'I promise, from here on I will never flirt with anyone other than you.'

At around that same time, two people walked through a forest.

'Just you wait Wei WuXian ... I will teach you a lesson.'

'What ... but ... auntie ...'

'Just relax; I will not permanently harm him, but to keep such a secret from everyone ....'

'.....' the young man beside the tall woman prayed that he could cool the woman down at least some by the time they arrived at the Cloud Recesses.

'That letter the pair sent me ... I still can not believe he would just stay in his room and not make mischief, so lets just see what I can do ... then Lan XiChen's letter ....'

'But auntie ... he is not well obviously ... maybe you need to be a little more ... softer on him.'

'Why should I be softer on that boy ... he .... Agh ... that boy is just going to pay for it.' She walked a little faster. Even though they could have used her sword to get there faster, the boy at her side was not able to stay still enough. 'Why won't you let me fly us there?'

'Because auntie, if we fly, then they will not be able to hide from our view.' He smiled a sly smile as he looked ahead.

'They actually think they are not noted ... I need to teach them a lesson or two.'

'No, they need answers also and that is why they follow us.'

'It does not mean they are allowed to go against what I ordered them to do.'

'But technically they are not, they are going by the rule that you are the leader and their first responsibility is your protection. They are following at a distance to keep you safe.'

'Don't even try that lie on me. They are out for Wei WuXian the same as I am. He will have hell to pay when I see him.'

The boy stalled for a moment and looked to the sky as he prayed. Please, let him be safe .... Even after we arrive ... and she lets loose. He then trotted to catch up with his auntie before she called out for him to keep up.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now