50: Wei Ying tries to control Wen Ning again

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That evening in the back hills that were at the moment blocked from everyone other than the group who stood in the area where Wei Ying had carved the details.

'I will never get use to the idea I did this while I was asleep.' Wei Ying touched one spot on the wall only to find his hand taken.

'Wei Ying ... this will not happen this time. You have done so much already to change things and those at .... Lotus Pier will live now.'

'I know ... it's just the memories.' He smiled at Lan Zhan before turning to Wen Ning. 'Are you sure you want me to do this?'

'Yes. I need to know if others will be able to control me this time.'

'Okay ...' Wei Ying pulled out his flute Lan Zhan had made for him and raised it to his lips slowly then after a pause, he played the flute as he tried to control his friend.



Everyone watched Wen Ning closely.


They waited to see any change.


They held their breaths.


Then .........

Wei Ying lowered the flute with a smile that shone even as tears ran from his eyes. 'I can not control you Wen Ning ... you are your own person.' He laid his face into his lovers chest as arms wrapped around him. 'I can't control you.'

'Wei Ying?'

'I'm sorry Zhan ... I'm just so happy that Wen Ning is free from all of that. He can live a normal life.'

'It also means that he can do his training next year.' Madame Yu said only to receive a look from Lan Zhan before he turned his face away and hold Wei Ying tighter. 'Lan WangJi, you need to let them see each other, they are like brothers as I have adopted Wen Ning. The way he feels about Jiang Cheng is the same as the way he feels for Wen Ning.'

'I'm sorry Madame Yu but right now, that does not make my brother any calmer. He is still seeing the memories of their last lives and it was not so good as this time. Just give him time ...'

'No.' she walked over to Wei Ying and Lan Zhan. 'Lan WangJi, would you try to separate Wei Ying and his family.'

'..........no.' He said in the smallest voice.

'Do you believe that I would ever again harm a hair on Wei Ying's head again?'


'Do you believe my son would threaten him with .... them again.' She had long since promised herself that she would not even say the word around him.


XiChen covered his mouth as his brother was taking longer and longer to answer questions because he knew none of them would hurt Wei Ying again but he was still protective. 'Madame Yu, I am sorry about my brother but he is very ...... very possessive and protective of Wei Ying. It runs in the blood.'

Wei Ying raised his head and felt Lan Zhan wipe the tears from his face. 'Zhan ... please .... Be nice.'

'Okay, for you.' They both jumped when from all around came three words.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now