39: Wei Ying tells the rest.

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'I made Wen Ning a fierce corpse while still alive. That is the worse thing I did in my whole life and I paid no where near enough for it. I managed to calm him down and we all went to the Burial Mounds and there we lived for months, peacefully. I even managed to have Wen Ning regain his senses as I called his soul back to his body. A week or so before Wen Ning woke, Cheng came and after we discussed it, we agreed we had to fight and I would separate from his sect ... and we did. He ended up with a broken arm and I ended up with a hole threw me. I was now a total outcast. The day Wen Ning woke up, Lan Zhan, you were visiting and got one little boy attacked to you, called you daddy in front of the whole town while we were there. But you couldn't stay, you left that night. However, to try getting his hands on the amulet I made, Jin GuangYao and Su She set a trap for me. They must have know I would occasionally go into town because I didn't want any of the Wens attacked. I was there to buy items. A while before, on the orders of Jin GuangYao, Su She had placed a hundred hole curse on YanLi's husband's brother and convinced him it was me. Not a hard thing to do because apparently, if so much as a plant died it had to be the demonic cultivator Wei WuXian, the Yiling Patriarch. The trap was for me to snap and kill them ... but since I was in total control, however, not until much later did I know that Jin GuangYao took control of Wen Ning and killed the brothers and the sect members who had been with them. The next thing I remember is waking up back at the Burial Mounds and Wen Quin used a needle on me as they told me they were going to hand themselves in .......................... I woke up three days later and went to Nightless city where they were releasing the ashes of the brothers and all the people I cared for were all hung at the gates, then against their words of oath; they placed a price on my head. Jin GuangYao stood by his father, as both his brothers were now dead, he was now the heir. That night Lan Zhan raced to me and told me to stand down. But I knew that almost every sect leader and members would never give up until I handed over the newest and most powerful weapon and I would never do that. Almost every sect leader and cultivator would slaughter the world to get it. The only sect I trusted not to use it and keep it safe was the GusuLan Sect but if I did that, that would place them at odds with every other sect and more than likely another war would break out. So I had to keep it with me .... I used the Demonic Cultivation to try knocking everyone out. But YanLi arrived at the battle field dressed in her mourning outfit and was killed as she saved my life. The only thing I could do was destroy the amulet but a fragment remained and .... I stood there and watched them all ..... they were killing and maiming each other to get there hands on it ... this pathetic little shard of the amulet and they were going to kill everyone to lay their hands on it. I think that is what totally broke me, seeing such greed and power lust.... I gave up .... I stepped up to the cliff and let myself just fall ... Oh Lan Zhan, you grabbed my wrist as I fell and refused to let go even with you arm wounded like that, but Cheng arrived beside you and thrust his sword into the cliff as he told me to go to hell. He hated me and blamed me for the deaths of his parents, his sister, her husband, his brother, Cheng's sect ... he laid it all on my and .... So did I. So when I saw the cliff start to break apart where he had put his sword, I ripped my hand from your grasp so the cliff wouldn't give out with our combined weight ... I died.'

'Wei Ying.' Lan Zhan whispered as his hand rested over his heart which hurt at the thought of loosing him.

'Then you came back to this time ....' Lan XiChen tried to work things out.

'No. There is more to my first and second life.'

'I don't understand.' Master Lan looked at his two nephews and found them as confused as he was.

'I died .... And the next thing I know, I am forced into the body of a Mo XuanYu and everything started up again. Somehow he had gotten his hands on one of my scrolls to bring back a soul by offering their own, even if they didn't want to return. He brought me back .... Lan Zhan seemed to recognise me almost at first ... because of a song of all things, the song he played for me in the cave. It turned out that every death and injury the night I died .... Was placed squarely on my shoulders. They couldn't even take responsibility for their own actions. As the truth had not been found out about those two traitorous worms, everyone including myself, still thought I had been the one to do all the ills ... sixteen years of oblivion and my name was even worse than when I died. I was the vile Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation you scare kids with .... Su She had separated from GusuLan Sect and made his own sect, the MolingSu Sect ...'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now