38: The story continues

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'That is not possible, if your core ...' XiChen frowned as he had read everything he could find on golden cores but nothing had ever mentioned mending one.

'Lan XiChen, I said a core, not his core ... Wen Quin is the best healer and a scholar. She came up with an idea years before that, even though the whole Wen sect had ridiculed her for her idea, I grabbed a hold of her idea and made her preform it .... Even thought she really didn't want to do it. She fought me on it for hours before I convinced her to do it. Wen Ning helped, as he came in at the end, only hearing I had found something that could save Cheng and he begged his sister to do it ... without even knowing what the cost was.' Without realising it, his hand rested over his heart before looking out the window so he didn't see their reaction. 'I told Cheng I had found a way to mend his core and I told him he must not change any detail I give him ... I had to make it seem real and reasonable to him didn't I? Anything I told him to do, needed to seem realistic. So ... I informed him he had to go up a mountain and, with a blindfold on, find ... my mothers' trainer. He was never to tell her his real name, he had to use everything he knew of me to convince her he was me ... I didn't think he would fall for it, but without a core, he couldn't tell I was lying to him.'

'Who was your mothers' trainer?' Master Lan asked quickly.

'Oh, my mother was the pupil and daughter of Baoshan SanRen.' He knew they would be shocked and the gasps were evident of that. 'Those five years I had with my mother and father, she taught me I think ... I really do not remember much but Song Lan, also a pupil of Baoshan SanRen, said something about her being proud of me and not being able to ever return to speak with her. No student can return to her, not even her child or grandchild.'

Lan XiChen frowned deeply as he tried to work out Wei Ying's words. 'How did Baoshan SanRen return the golden core to whole?'

'Oh, she didn't. That is something that is literally impossible ...'

'But you said ...' Master Lan glared when he thought Wei Ying was about to start talking nonsense.

'Yes Master Lan, Cheng did have a golden core after his trip to the mountain ... but it was not my grandmother Baoshan SanRen who did it as she was not even there. Even now, I have no idea where she is. I just walked the pair of us and then picked a mountain in Yiliang and told him to climb it to find her. The truth of it is, I made Wen Quin ...... remove my golden core and place it in him ... it was mine that resided in him. It only took two nights and a day as I watched it being removed from my body undamaged. Apparently she was not able to let me sleep or use anything to lesson the pain as it would damage the core. So I think you can understand I was not in good condition when I left as quickly as I physically could without a core. I arrived at the place we were meant to meet, so pathetically weak and tired, no strength to protect myself. Wen Chao caught me of course; for an hour or two ... he took great joy watching his men beat me to a pulp. I told them to do their worst ... and I would return as a fierce corpse to kill them ...'

'But you can't do that, you have the training ...'

'Lan XiChen, what age is that training undertaken?'

'In the fifth year.'

'Right, when I was five, I spent that year and the next living on the streets after my parents were killed by a rouge cultivator. I had not undertaken that training ... I could quite easily return to haunt them. Somehow, my words scared Wen Chao and his mistress so much they decided on putting me in one place no soul has ever escaped from before .... half dead, he had his men fly over to the Burial Mounds ... and then throw me in. He and his mistress had fun watching me fall.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now