25: So, does no one really know the rules then?

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(Above) Lan Zhan trying to answer which rule of his sect is the most important ... after he met Wei Ying.

Lan XiChen and Master Lan had been taking a stroll then stopped when they both noticed Wei WuXian standing on a roof top looking at the sect rules carved into the cliffs. They stayed silent when he called out to Lan Zhan as he walked out the library. XiChen realised they must have taken a break for lunch but Wei WuXian had waited for Lan Zhan and that made him smile.

'Lan Zhan, would you come here a moment please.' Wei Ying turned and smiled gently when the man didn't even think, just jumped up beside him and waited.

Luckily for the two men watching this spot where they stood, the people talking over there were easily heard so they didn't need to move closer to listen in.


'Lan Zhan, what do you see there?' he raised his arm and indicated the wall of rules.

'Sect rules.' Lan Zhan just realised Wei Ying had left his sword by the writing desk, and the more he thought about it the more he realised Wei Ying would leave his sword around the place more often than carrying it.

'No ... um ... what do you see?'

With a frown he repeated himself. 'Sect rules.'

'Hm... then look at your sect rules and tell me how you see them?' he watched Lan Zhan turn his attention to the wall with a slight frown.

'Sect rules carved into the rock cliff.'

'Technically yes, you are right but ...' he turned and looked back to Lan Zhan who turned his body to look directly at him also. 'You read them perfectly fine right Lan Zhan?'

'Of course.'


'This is the place uncle and brother bought me to teach me the rules.'

Of course Wei Ying remembered this bit of information and that is why he waited right on this spot for Lan Zhan. 'Then would you tell me who taught you to read this kanji?'

'Same answer.'

'Okay. Let me ask you ... is this kanji used anywhere else in the Cloud Recesses?'

'Yes. The GusuLan Sect Members are all taught this when they first start learning but we do not really use it often. There are a number of scrolls in the library with the same kanji ... why are you asking about this?'

'Well, as you were born, raised and taught right here in the Cloud Recesses, you may not be aware of this but ... the rules of my sect are of the spoken variety. We do not write them down; we only ever pass them on through speech. Even then we are to memorise them and to this day, they have never changed. No deviation would ever be accepted. This is what most sects do. Rarely are they written down ... or altered ... or added too. Then there is the whole fact of this Kanji not being used anywhere else over the last twenty years. Now realising this fact, the youth of the sects outside this one are not taught to read this older kanji, instead we know the newer version ... the newer version is certainly based on this one but they are read very differently so what we read is not what you have read over your life. Many visiting cultivators, if they are not scholars see this wall and only see a few words to understand. I will agree that the last few lines down the end are in the newer kanji as they are recent additions.'

Lan XiChen and Master Lan felt twin shocks move through them but kept listening to a young man who sounded more like a scholar teacher than a new trainee cultivator.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now