52: Time for red

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Finally Lan XiChen dropped his hand with a smile. 'I will have the robes delivered to your room tonight. Two hours before the waking bell, Wei Ying you will walk to the ancestral hall.'

'Walk.' Snapped Master Lan only to have them laugh. 'Well, you never know.'

'Since Lan Zhan will need to leave the room before me, I can see your point of view Master Lan. I promise to keep to a ... semi fast walk.' He wrapped his arm around Lan Zhan's and rested his head on his lovers shoulder with a smile.

After the dinner meal was over, Lan XiChen spoke with Madame Yu and Wen Ning about what his brother and Wei Ying was thinking.

'Well, the pair of them have agreed to ask if Wen Ning will agree to go with them ...'

'I agree.' Both Wen Ning and Madame Yu said at the same time.

'However Wen Ning .... There is a condition to you being chosen.'


'You have to promise to ... no touching Wei Ying. Sorry, my baby brother is overly possessive and protective.' XiChen blushed as he looked down at the tea cup before him.

'I promise.' Wen Ning said in a small voice as he leant his had on Madame Yu's shoulder only to feel a hand pat the top of his head.

'He will not do anything if Wen Ning forgets this will he ... A-Ning is very friendly so there may be times when he is not thinking.'

'.....' Suddenly Wen Ning looked at XiChen with wide eyes. 'I will do my best ... I do not want to upset HanGuang-Jun.' he looked down to find his hand gripping his Aunt's sleeve.

The next morning in the ancestral hall, two hours before the waking bell, Lan Zhan watched the doorway as he waited for Wei Ying to walk towards him, dressed in red. He felt his ears almost burn at the thought of this image.

There were very few people in the ancestral hall witnessing this union. Madame Yu, Wen Ning, Lan XiChen, Master Lan, Jiang Cheng, YanLi Cheng along with Wen Quin.

Lan Zhan had been staring at most of them for the life they made Wei Ying live last time ... even after his uncle told him to stop it.

Wen Ning looked up as his aunt wanting to ask her to make Lan Zhan to stop glaring at him but didn't dare. He had to just deal with it because for at least the next month he would be alone with the pair. When those golden eyes yet again landed on him, he couldn't stop the small whimper and hide behind his aunt.

'Old man, stop your nephew scaring Wen Ning already. If this keeps up, I will not allow him to go with them.' She angrily glared at Master Lan.

'What more can I do, Wen Ning has promised not to touch his Wei Ying but .... He is a stubborn soul.' He turned to WangJi. 'Will you please stop terrifying the poor boy?'


'He is a good boy HanGuang-Jun and I would appreciate him returning with the same joy in his heart as he left with.' Madame Yu stood there watching him only to receive a small nod of his head.

That was the moment that Wei Ying's footsteps could be heard hurrying towards the doorway. When the red material fluttered in the doorway moments before Wei Ying appeared, Lan Zhan went to walk to the door only to be held back by his brother and uncle.

'He comes to you, not the other way around.' XiChen whispered trying to not laugh at his brothers' eagerness.

Before he could say anything back to his brother, Wei Ying stepped into view. The lights of the path behind him shone through the sheer red material of the veil make it look like he was an ethereal being entering the ancestral hall. Lan Zhan didn't note the tear that slipped from his eye as his love walked towards him. From that moment, nothing else existed to him other than his love.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now