31: The forgotten paper

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Lan XiChen had been watching the pair only to focus on his brother when his eyes filled with something he had already know. His baby brother had just made a realisation ... he just figured out he is in love ... with Wei Ying ... but why is he also angry?? Why did he look ready to attack?? He looked to Wei Ying and frowned at him, he was dressed in his own black robes, but had not given any reason and his uncle had told him just to let him sulk. Something about this whole situation was really beginning to grate against his nerves ... like right before a battle and there was that short pause in the air.

That is what this moment felt like.

Lan Zhan looked away from his brother in case he noticed the utter fury that ran through him at that moment, and turned to look at the paper on Wei Ying's desk and frowned. Again he had drawn lines across the page then there were small strokes at intermittent distances across them. Some were on all lines and others only landed on a single line or two. What did this represent to Wei Ying? Was it what was causing him to loose sleep and weight, not him? Was it that important? This was not the first time he had seen this kind of image in front of Wei Ying, for over the last week and a half he noted this piece of paper. Was it the same one, or had he been drawing it over and over again?

When lessons was over for the day, Wei Ying gave him what he thought of now as his traditional farewell of a simple nod of his head, without eye contact, and walked from the classroom, through the door that stoped him passing behind him. When he was gone from sight, Lan Zhan reached over and took the paper with a deeper frown. This was the first time Wei Ying had left his markings on his table. He placed the paper in his robe and raced after Wei Ying and gave him the normal questions, but this time he used a much gentler voice. If his uncle tried anything because he was being kind to Wei Ying, he really will just take him away until they realised Wei Ying was more important to him than either of them anymore.

When Lan Zhan finished questioning Wei Ying about what they learnt today, he walked back inside and to the front of the class where his brother and uncle sat talking quietly.

'WangJi, come and sit with us for a bit. Did you do the questioning today?' XiChen smiled up at his brother knowing he did this every day there were lessons.


'Did he get any wrong this time?' all he received as a diminutive shake of his head. When lessons had first started, he had noted that his baby brother had been getting closer to Wei WuXian and they often were seen talking and not once did he get angry at the young man for hanging around him so much. However since the punishment in the library, on the last day to be precise, there were more strangers than any two people around. Time and again he had tried to ask WangJi what happened between them but all he ever received was a look that stopped him, his baby brother had almost stopped talking totally unless pushed to do so. The best way to make him talk was to ask about Wei WuXian. So when WangJi sat down on the cushion and placed a paper in front of him, he frowned. 'What is this?'

'I do not know ... for the last week, this is what Wei Ying has been working on in class. Every day he removes it and places it in his robes before leaving the class, even for breaks ... but today, he just left it behind ... I do not understand what it is? At first I thought it might be something to do with music but there were too many horizontal lines and they are not like notes.'

'...' XiChen looked at his uncle at the amount of words that he had actually heard his brother saying in one breath since that day ... and his uncle was also shocked by this. He quickly turned his attention to the paper then frowned deeply. 'You are right, this is nothing to do with music, however I have no idea what it might be ... he might be working on something that runs along many lines at the same time.' He placed the paper on the table and ran his fingers along the side where the lines started. 'Maybe this is the different roads and the interruptions in them are things to do ... or things in his past ... they could be anything ... are you worried about him.'

'No, you asked me to keep track of him .... he has become very quiet .... He is obviously not sleeping well as the dark circles are getting darker every day .... And he is loosing weight. He does not even let Jiang Cheng into his room, let alone any of his friends ..... He does not take notes in class but when I ask him questions after class .... He is correct in all his answers. Yet at the same time, he reads at least half the scroll by his table every day.'

'Have you come to a conclusion?' XiChen didn't miss the wary look that his baby brother gave to their uncle. Has something happened recently? They do not talk like they use to. In fact, uncle seems to keep a close eye on WangJi but ... something is not right with the way he watches him. However, worse than that was the way WangJi looked at their uncle ... and himself?

'Something is wrong and I can not figure it out.' WangJi almost huffed when he felt his ears warm up. Damn it, this never happened before Wei Ying arrived. What is he doing to me? And .... Why is he so beautiful and cute when he teases me? He glances at his uncle and brother before dropping his eyes again as his mind turned over. Brother, you always said you did not hate me for being a cut sleeve ... but you do this to the only man have ever been interested in. And you uncle, I know you have always said you will never allow it but ... to go so far as to beat him ... how am I ever meant to trust either of you again.

When Wei Ying arrived at his room, he sat at the table and went to pull out the paper from his robes ... when he could not find it, he removed his outer robe then untied his undershirt only to realise he must have left it in the classroom.

'Damn ...' but he realised that even if it was found, no one would even understand that it was. He quickly dressed then went to the door only to stop with his hand outstretched. Do I really need to go and get it? I'm sure no one will understand what it really represents ... no, I need it because I'm sure I'm close to something this time. He opened his door and walked as fast as was allowed back to the classroom only to see the three of them sitting at the top desk.

'Wei WuXian. Are you looking for this?'

Wei Ying froze as Lan XiChen lifted the paper with a smile. 'Yes Sect Leader Lan.' He hurried to the front and retrieved the paper then folded it and placed it in his robe.

'What is that for?' XiChen tried to catch his eyes but he easily avoided him.

'It's ... nothing of importance.' He bowed. 'Thank you for finding it. Good evening.' He turned to leave but stopped at Master Lan's voice.

'I hope you are not planning anything?'

'......... planning something?' he had turned back and looked at the floor in front of his feet.

'Mischief of course.'

'I have neither planned nor acted any mischief Master Lan.'

'Then tell us what that is?'

'Master Lan ...' he looked straight into the old Lan's eyes without any emotion. 'You need not worry, this is personal .... Not for anyone other than me.'

'That does not answer my question?'

'Would you ask Jin GuangYao to tell you what he writes so diligently in his treasured diary?'

'Of course not. That is his private matters and is not up to ill deeds.'

'I see. So just because I am me, you think I must explain every scratching I make ... or is it because of my mother and your disgust of her that your anger rubs off onto me?'

'What did you just say?'

'I apologise Master Lan. It was not my place to question your motives.' He again bowed with utter respect. 'If you will excuse me, I am tired.' He turned and hurried away, not giving any of them time to talk to him.

'How dare he?'

'Uncle, he is right. That paper is obviously not a plan for mischief and you have no right to make him inform us what it represents to him.'

'I will not have him talking to me in such a disrespectful way.'

'He was not disrespectful. He just pointed out that you judge him on his mothers' relationship with you. He informed you that that paper is personal and he had ever right.'

Master Lan looked at WangJi who just sat there looking at the table, not giving any indication of going in search of Wei WuXian ... and that is the only reason he was not demanding his punishment. 'He is not to be trusted with even the smallest thing.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now