11: Drugging Wei Ying ... Young Su She visits

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The picture above is just Cheng debating if he can actually kill Su She

(I really have to search online for the perfect pictures for each of the new chapters, but for now .... I am using what I have)

That evening he watched as Uncle FengMian and Cheng walked back into the mansion, Cheng looked so happy Wei Ying knew his plan had worked.

A few weeks later Wei Ying sat in the hall after finishing his meal and waited for the rest to finish eating and chatting. He loved that they all talked happily without any arguing. He felt his tiredness rise as dinner had been started late today because of some business Uncle and Auntie had with a visitor ... Wei Ying felt his eyes flutter a little.

'Wei WuXian ... are you okay?' FengMian asked softly.

'Hmn ... I'm really sorry for this but I am tireder than I thought I was.'

'That's alright, you can head off to bed if you like, we are just going to stay and talk for a while.'

'Thank you Uncle FengMian.' Wei Ying rose and gave his bows to the family then walked off and retired for the night.

An hour later he was fast asleep, without Wei Ying even hearing or reacting in the least, the door to his room opened and closed almost silently and a man in the purest white walked over to the bed and knelt beside the bed even as he leant over the boy sleeping.

'Now Wei WuXian ... I will get what I need tonight ... or I will return tomorrow night.'

'.........' Wei Ying stayed asleep even as a hand rose and moved towards his face .... Long fingers lay on his forehead with an almost invisible touch.

'Let me in.' the man's deep voice pulled the sleeping mind and within moments he was preforming an empathy ... he had been told not to listen to words, just look to see if this was the same person who the sect leader had brought from the streets years ago. He didn't bother looking into the recent memories of this boy as that is not what he was asked to look at. Instead he went back to when the boy lived on the streets, aged five .... He watched the tiny, underweight boy running for his life with tears running from his eyes and a scream emanating as he ran to the tree and he climbed as fast as he could ... however, even as he was almost out of reach, one of the dogs chasing him got his foot and sunk its teeth in before he got away and scaled the tree. He watched the boy cowering in the tree crying as he hugged the tree as high as he could get. Next he found the memory of Jiang FengMian arriving and squatting before the boy. He watched without hearing words as after a few minutes, the boy nodded and held out his hand only to be lifted into the mans arms and carried away.

The man left the empathy, removed the blanket and looked at the ankle only to find a scar that matched the memory he saw then he stood up and left the room where the family were waiting for him.

'Sect Leader FengMian, the boy in that room is the boy you took from the streets. I saw that very memory and also ... just one memory of him being bitten by a dog as he tried to get up a tree ... the boy sleeping in the bed ... is Wei WuXian.'

'Thank you ... if this is true then there are even more questions but I think they can go unanswered for now.'

The visitor sat at the table and frowned. 'Are there things you are still unsure of about him?'

'Well, it seems that over night he matured, saw into things and worked them out, almost totally changed everything about himself.'

'It can sometimes seem like that when a child begins to grow up .... But most of the time it's just a child understanding they can not stay a child for the rest of their lives.' The man straightened his white robe with cloud motifs on the trim with a smile.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now