1: Wei Ying wakes up.

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Hello everyone, I want to thank you all for reading my edited version of Wei Ying Chooses to Relive.

If you are returning to reread this story, can you pick up on the added bits ... tell me if it makes it more enjoyable than before or did I destroy it?????

I have altered some parts and added quite a bit more in places, but some of what I think are the funny parts (Su She covered in mud for instance) is still in the story.

However, if you happen to see the spelling mistakes like form in the place of from or vice versa ... I would love for you to tell me.

Edited does not mean perfect ...... obviously .... You will never get a perfect story from me.

Because of this editing I have just finished, there are 53 chapters for this story and each chapter is at least 1500 to 2000 words long, I hope this does not put anyone off from reading and enjoying it.

Also, once again I wan to acknowledge all those amazing artist who produce the images I will use throughout this story and never to forget the wonderful actors of The Untamed of which I will also use their photos.

Wei Ying slowly began to wake and remembered that today was his one hundred and fourth birthday and Lan Zhan had been teasing him because he has a surprise waiting. If he didn't die way back then, by falling off the cliff, he would only be a year younger than Lan Zhan and would be in his one hundred and twentieth year. However, being at this end of your life meant that the sixteen year age gap didn't mean anything.

But then again, it had never meant anything to either of them to begin with.

That no longer shy husband of his had said the gift was something he would love but didn't give any kind of hint.

Frustrating husband and all his gifts.

However, he realised he was just the same.

Every flower Lan Zhan had given him over the years, he had pressed and protected with talismans so the colour remained as perfect as the day it was picked, and then for the whole year before Lan Zhan's one hundredth birthday, Lan Ying had carefully pulled all the flowers apart and arranged them on a large board, half his size. He had carefully and skilfully made the image of both himself and Lan Zhan walking away in the picture so the faces didn't show, while holding hands, their forehead ribbons fluttered in the breeze and tangled together. Little black and white bunnies around them even as the Cloud Recesses rose in the back ground. On Lan Zhan's birthday, in front of everyone, Lan Ying had explained what the gift was and that the image of the Cloud Recesses and themselves in the picture was made up only from the flowers he had given him since their wedding. Lan Zhan proceeded to hold him even as tears ran down his cheeks.

To this, most of the wives in the hall called out to Lan Ying to ask him how they were supposed to match that kind of gift for their husbands.

He had just giggled as his white haired husband held him with no sign of releasing him.

Thinking of that day made soft smile curved Lan Ying's lips as he shifted in bed trying to find his favourite pillow, but he wasn't there.

And the bed was far too small ... his butt was hanging off one side while his hand dangled off the other side.

How could his favourite pillow share this tiny bed with him?

Are we not at home ... where am I? He thought, struggling to remember if they went travelling. 'Hey darling husband ... where are you? Come back to bed.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now