9: Jiang Sect's new united front

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'Master Wei ...' Wen Ning stopped dead when he recognised the little boy before smiling at Wei Ying. 'You found ... another?'

'Of course, nothing but the best for the Jiang Sect.'

'He ... he ... he's a....' Xue Yang went to hide behind Wei Ying even as he tried not to squash the sweets in his hand from fear.

'Oh no, you really do not need to be scared of me A-Yang. I am alive and I eat, I drink, I mnmmm....' He stopped when Wei Ying placed a hand over his mouth.

As tempted as Wei Ying was to use Silence on him, he knew he was not meant to know how to do it ... or that it could even be done.

'Stop right there, he does not need to know every aspect that declares you to be alive except that you eat, drink, breathe and your heart beats.' Wei Ying grinned as he removed his hand. 'You don't need to hear about his bathroom ...'

'Shhh ... I would never say anything about that. You will make him terrified to be near me. I want to make friends, not scare people off.'

Xue Yang laughed and walked over to Wen Ning. 'H... hello.'

'Hello A-Yang, my name is Wen Ning and I hope to be your friend.' He blinked as Xue Yang held out his hand and offered him a single lolly. 'Is that for me?'

'Yes, you share with your friends.'

Wei Ying needed to bite the inside of his lip to stop himself from tearing up. To see both of these boys make friends so easily warmed his heart ... and his eyes.

Xue Yang turned out to be a very happy, outgoing person who, in only a year, joined in the training without any trouble. He had not been twisted by circumstances yet, so the timing was perfect. To Wei Ying's surprise, both Wen Ning and Xue Yang became best friends and any time they were not on duty and one of them was seen, the other was close by, and that pair were always followed by others of their age. Since they were both kind, happy, outgoing and very talented they were always asked by other trainees about things.

One day Wei Ying tried to do the one thing he had regretted not trying the last time. He found Madame Yu sitting on the gazebo at the end of a long winding wooden path.

'Madame Yu ... would you mind if we talk for a short time?'

'About.' She tried to keep the cold hard voice she used only for this boy since he arrived, but now and then recently it wavered. She had been watching him and his actions and found him to have enriched the Jiang Sect with the people he brought in, always helped the juniors if asked and never spoke badly about anyone ... even her.

'It's about YanLi and her fiancé ... do you ...' he said as he sat beside her.

'I swear if you dare try telling me who to marry my daughter too ...'

'Oh no, I would never try to do something like that. If fact, I think it will be a wonderful marriage for the pair of them .... But ....'


'Madame .... No. Auntie Yu, would you consider all of us travelling over to the Jin sect so they may talk in person. I have heard there is a small misunderstanding between the couple and the only real way of straightening it out is if they talk without others around to tell them what to say.'

'Auntie? Who told you to ever call me that?' she almost let her mouth fall open when he giggled happily.

'No one, it's something I have always wanted to call you and so I will.' He smiled happily even as he didn't look at her but at the water filled with lotus plants that for some reason were not yet flowering. 'I can tell why you love this spot so much. It really is filled with a sense of peace. It almost gathers Yang energy.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now