14: Heading to Cloud Recesses

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Finally it came time for Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng and Jiang YanLi to go for their training in the Cloud Recesses.

The truth of it was, Wei Ying had become increasingly nervous about seeing Lan Zhan again ... would he mess it all up and separate them forever or could he get that man to fall in love with him again?

Would there be some kind of backlash for his meddling in people's fate. Would his love life be the thing the gods took from him?

Just before he left Lotus Pier, he and Wen Ning had discussed what was said after he was sent away, leaving Wen Ning, Lan Zhan and this godling, and Wei Ying still had no specific dead line of when he had to win Lan Zhan's heart ... though he was sure it needed to be done before he left the Cloud Recesses the first time but since he had won his heart earlier than that the first time ... surely he could easily do it again.

Can he make his Lan Zhan love him one more time?

Last time he didn't even realise Lan Zhan had fallen in love with him until he was brought back .... This time he was aiming specifically for him to fall in love with him.

He never honestly asked Lan Zhan what it was about him and their first meeting that made him fall in love with him. Sure he said it was his smile, cheeky words and everything but ... was it something more specific ... was it certain words he said? A certain look ... what if he didn't say or give what it was ...

He can not actually remember the exact words he spoke to Lan Zhan during that first meeting or any other time .... But he knew the essence of it.

Wei Ying walked behind Jiang Cheng and Jiang YanLi and listened to them chatter back and forth about what they hoped to learn while here. However, even though he kept an ear on them in case he was spoken to, at the same time he opened his heart and ears to the land around him. The lack of loud noises, the gentle scents of the foods and flowers, however, he could not wait to hear the morning crickets start even before he woke. The birds calling out in the evening and morning, and the one thing he yearned for most of all ... those quiet gentle words of that man in his seductive deep voice calling to him in the morning.

It has now been almost four years since he woke up back in his young body after living his life with Lan Zhan in the Cloud Recesses and he was only days from turning seventeen.

For the first few months after waking up in this body he tried to live like he used to, but soon he found he just couldn't. He really did try staying up until the early hours of the morning but never lasted past eight because of tiredness, waking late the next day but he woke at five in the morning. Drinking liquor, all the time, one mouthful had made him feel ill. Running round noisily, laughing at anything and everything, it was just too noisy. Playing pranks on Jiang Cheng ... somehow the memories of the years when his sect brother hated him with a passion seemed so fresh at times they occasionally kept him away form Jiang Cheng for days at a time with one excuse or another.

Maybe his heart was dreading not being able to change those deepest pains of his heart?

Those times he looked at his sect sister and his heart would hurt to the point he needed to race away to wipe the tears away before they fell.

Watching his Uncle FengMian and Auntie Yu ...


He forced his mind from that track as he had no spare time to be alone to gather himself.



Since that first morning, how many mornings had he reached out his hand to his right expecting to touch that man?

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now