29: Wei Ying is punished

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I know what you are going to say about the picture above, but please just pretend it is Wei Ying

Wei Ying managed to ignore three different people who knocked on his door .....

Until one person knocked and after not receiving so much as a grunt, the person on the outside raised his icy voice.

'If you do not open this door right now, I will break it down!'

To this, Wei Ying finally stood up and walked to the door and opened it. 'Do not destroy property.' He quoted one of their own rules at him while looking at the floor between their feet.

'... Tell me what is wrong?'


'Tell me why you are not in class?'

'Just didn't feel like going to class today ... no one can blame me can they ... sitting there listening to nothing new every day is rather boring ...' he wanted to bite his tongue to stop talking but he just wanted him to leave. 'How can anyone bare sitting through all of that?' stop it, don't say any more. 'I am fed up with being in class.'

'Wei WuXian!' Master Lan all but yelled at him from beside Lan Zhan.

'Uncle ... brother asked me to see if Wei WuXian was ill enough for a healer to call on him.'

'HanGuang-Jun, I already said I just didn't want to listen to anyone rabbit on about the things I already know.' He suddenly found his wrist grabbed in the vice grip of Master Lan and dragged to the punishment area. He could have easily broken that grip but didn't bother.

'Uncle, he is just unwell.'

'Do not lie for him WangJi. He is just a lazy, good-for-nothing and he will be punished for his disrespect to me and every other sect member who would kill to be in his place.' He called over the two boys who were to use the boards on Wei Ying's back. 'Give him ten each of you.'

'Uncle! ... That is unheard of.' Lan Zhan stepped forwards and stood at the back of the kneeling Wei Ying. How can this be? How can anyone be punished like this for not being well?

'Do you wish a different punishment WangJi?' he caught the eyes of his nephew and let him see there was only one other punishment that would be used.

'Uncle.' He stepped back a little but still didn't step aside for the punishment to begin. 'Are you really ...'

'HanGuang-Jun .... Just stand aside and allow Master Lan to vent his anger out on me. I really do not care what he does.' Wei Ying stayed on his knees on the hard wooden boards and after he heard Lan Zhan move slowly out of the way, the two boys hit him with all their strength but he refused to show any pain, refused to move his body with the flow of the boards, refused to make a single sound.





Each boy counted off their hits each as Lan Zhan stood there shaking in fury at his uncles actions but still didn't have it in him to stand between Wei Ying and those punishing blows. Even now, red marks bloomed on the back of Wei Ying's white student robes.




Lan Zhan watched as now the blood flew from the boards to land on the ground at his feet. Wei Ying's blood ... but if he did anything to stop this punishment ... it would only be worse for Wei Ying. He felt the tears fall down his cheeks and didn't bother to wipe them away.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now