12: Cheng shows up Su She and Wei Ying's secret gift.

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Wei Ying really wanted to roll his eyes as he was the one who wanted to have the pleasure of showing Su She up bin front of his own sect .... Well, at least he is humiliated before others. He thought to himself with a hidden smile.

'What?' Lan FanLin and Lan GuangWen said at the same time.

Wei Ying almost laughed at the pale face of Su She.

'Well, Lan Su She here has informed us, in front of everyone at the docks that your sect should never train anyone so ... poor.

'Su She, you will apologise right now. You were only allowed to accompany us on the understanding you uphold the GusuLan Sect rules and morals.' Lan FanLin glared at Su She who paled even more.

'He must have miss ...'

'Sect Heir Jiang Cheng! If you refer to my son and heir, please use his title in this place.'

'Fine.' Su She almost ground his teeth. 'Sect Heir Jiang Cheng must have misunderstood what I was ....'

'No your words were quite clear, what is becoming of the GusuLan Sect that we need to train such poor People? And If they think this place is worth visiting .... Mores the shame. My memory is incredibly good, I never forget.' Wei Ying smiled at his aunt who looked like she was fighting a grin of her own. 'My aunt always tells me my memory is just a little too good some times.'

'Su She, the Jiang Sect and the GusuLan Sect have been closely knit for generations, now you will apologise right this instant ... on your knees.' Lan FanLin held no warmth in his eyes as he watched Su She lower himself to his knees.

'Sect Heir Jiang Cheng, I apologise for the words I spoke about your sect.'

'When we return to the Cloud Recesses, you will spend the next six months locked in self assessment ... as you write the rules and moral standings of the GusuLan Sect.'

'Yes Lan FanLin.' Su She rose to his feet without looking at anyone; the idea he had to lower himself to these people ate at his heart.

That evening after their guests left, Wei Ying sat with his Auntie Yu. 'Auntie, I promise I stayed totally polite to Lan Su She even after he disparaged the Jiang Sect in front of everyone on the docks and tried to ruin the moral of the juniors we visited. However, I'm sorry if I ....'

'You didn't do anything wrong Wei Ying .... That little .... How dare he say such things? We are, and always have been on great terms with GusuLan Sect. This boy will lower them in peoples eyes if they are not careful.'

'I know and I am sure Sect Leader XiChen and Master Lan will not allow his behaviour to slide without proper punishment. I just do not understand how he even got admitted to the sect of such good people. He holds resentment in his heart ... I kind to pity him but at the same time, he disrespected the Jiang Sect. I really do not like him and do not see making friends with him while we are training either.'

'You won't do anything to dishonour the Jiang Sect ... even if he warrants it.'

'Auntie, I give you my word, I will never do anything to bring dishonour to your sect. You and your family saved my life and I owe you everything I can do. I would even give up my life to save you all.' He started to walk away with those hanging in the air only to stop without looking back. 'I have heard of one other person who is on that line that splits good and evil. He wares a mask that shows his pain to all even though it is .... He pretends to be trying to hide his pain but the mask he wares is to make everyone see the pain instead. To gather their sympathy and manipulate their hearts. What would you do with a person like that?'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now