10: A quick trip to the Jin Sect

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The first day of the next week, they all set off for the Jin sect and Wei Ying kept a secret eye on everything that happened. He was thrilled that Uncle FengMian and Auntie Yu were getting along like never before, they talked in hushed tones and often smiled at each other, so he knew his words had worked with that. Now he just needed some time alone with that Jin heir to clear things up with him. On top of that, he needed to convince Uncle FengMian to give the occasional piece of praise to his son.

It actually took two days from when they arrived before Wei Ying could happen upon Jin ZiXuan when he was alone and have a chat.

'May I join you for a while?' Wei Ying asked as he walked up to the young man sitting alone and gave him a bow.

'Why?' Jin ZiXuan frowned at him.

'No reason really, I just wanted to talk.'

'About what?'

'To be honest with you, I need some advice and as you are not yet part of the family you really are the best person to ask.' Wei Ying pretended to look around for anyone who might hear and knew this would make Jin ZiXuan interested.

'About what .... I may never be family.'

'I know. With your dislike of your fiancé you really are the best person to ask help for my friend. See I want to give him some advise but am not sure how it should be worded ... like you he is told he will marry a woman ... it has been arraigned, like you, since before he was born ... but the difference is, he does not want anyone to know of his love for her ... he thinks it makes him look stronger to say he is being forced into the marriage.'

'Maybe he does not even like her and just has to do as his mother demands of him. Trust me when I say ... mothers can be incredible scary.' The last part he almost whispered so no one could over hear.

'I would agree but ... I've seen him looking at her and .... He is in love with her. However, his words and actions to her are painful for her to endure ...'

'Maybe they should not marry then, save herself the pain.'

'But they love each other.'

'Does not mean they should marry.'

'Why, he obviously loves her, and she has told me she loves him.'


'Don't you think he should show true strength instead of this façade he is portraying to everyone?'

'Why do you think it is not true strength?'

'Think about it. To stand up and declare that you actually love the woman you have been told to marry ... that is true strength even though it can be terrifying. Pretending to hate her and gather others to berate her ... that is true weakness. To hide your heart from all, even the woman you love ... I feel sorry for him. He can not open his heart up and show her his love so she is caused all kinds of humiliation and pain. She needs to show her face to everyone while not allowing them to see her pain? She is remarkable, keeping that smile on her lips day in and day out when faced with his words. They are the perfect pairing, and I think they would be amazing together, have a loving relationship and will be devoted to their children ... if only he had the strength. Even his sect would stand behind a man like that, more so than they would if he kept pretending to hate her ... I mean, if he would lie about his heart to the woman he loves, how could they totally trust him?'

'Wei WuXian ... where are you.'

'I'm sorry Jin ZiXuan, I must return before Jiang Cheng throws a fit.' He bowed deeply. 'Thank you for listening to me. Wait ... has YanLi offered you her soup yet?'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now