8: Little Mo and Xue Yang

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Wei Ying spent a few days just happily watching the new people exploring the Jiang Sect domain in wonder. The children and adults were slowly being taught to swim so they were safe. Wen Ning would seek him out a few times just to sit and talk with.

'Young Master Wei ... can we talk for a moment?'

'Of course Wen Ning, what's wrong?'

'Nothing is wrong; it's just that you have not mentioned ... him at all?'

'You mean Zhan.' Since there was no one listening, he didn't mind saying his name even though it made the loneliness in his heart swell.

'Yes. Do you remember the talk?'

'Not totally. I remember being given the choice and I chose to return, Lan Zhan swore to love me again.' He watched Wen Ning's face fall a little. 'Wen Ning, what is it? Is there something I do not know?'

'Yes ... after he promised that, don't you remember the godlings words of warning?'

'Godling? Warning ... no, I know there was someone else there but all I was looking at was Zhan, please tells me what I have forgotten.'

'As ... Second Young Master Lan was the one to ask for this chance and offered you to be the one to remember, so in doing this he had to pay a price ...' he watched all colour fall from his friends face.

'What was the price?'

'He was not to remember anything, not you, me or the events that we are trying to change, the people we are trying to save ... not any of it.'

'And ... Wen Ning, I can tell by your face that there is something else. If this was as easy as winning his heart again ... you would not even bother mentioning it.' Wei Ying felt his heart racing at the thought of something unknown may affect his and Zhan's life together.

'You are right of course. There was one more part he didn't get told until you were sent off. The last part is ... if he does not fall in love with you, and express it openly to you, to admit aloud he loves you, before a certain point ... he never will and both of you will forever remain alone. Neither of you will ever love another and there will be no way for the two of you to be together.'

'No ... that fool ... how could he ... that damned godling had better not screw up our lives. Or when I die again ... I will track him down and make him pay.' He looked at Wen Ning. 'Is there a solid time limit that I have to win his heart by or just until the Wens are subdued, the yin irons are purified and things like that.'

'Well ....'

'Just tell me.'

'I'm sorry but ... he didn't say ... Just do everything you can to make him remember how much he loves you because once he is in love with you and it is in the open, nothing can stop the pair of you then.'

'Sure, I will have all that fun with him all over again ... but I have to do that before I set off to find the Yin Irons and purify them.' something twisted in his heart but he could not figure out why. 'Wen Ning .... When I died .... You were in the Cloud Recesses right? I remember you running towards me.'

'Yes, I was due to leave that afternoon. In fact, I was with SiZhui bringing your morning meals ... when we got to the gates of your home ... we heard you screaming for help, yelling at your husband to come back ... we dropped the trays and ran. I opened the door and we both walked in only to see you clutching him in your arms then your eyes grew and then you fell with him still in your arms and died. SiZhui was grief-stricken and I ...'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now