40: Lan Zhan refuses anyone to help him

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For almost two hours, Lan Zhan stayed within Wei Ying's memories watching everything from loosing his parents which left him living on the streets, being attacked by dogs. Even with everything that he had heard, seeing it with his own eyes was agonising. He skipped over anything that was personal to him and Wei Ying, and finally removed himself from the empathy before he saw past the temple where everything was settled. Something's were best left for later.

He sat there and wiped tears from his cheeks as he watched the beautiful boy in bed. Slowly he lifted him up and held him tight but not touching any of his wounds.

'Wei Ying. I give you my word, this time, you will not be alone and I will never allow them to cause you such pain and grief again. We will do this together ... we will save them all ... together.' He placed Wei Ying back on the pillow then shakily stood up and turned to his brother and uncle. 'Also, I will not permit that woman to harm him out of revenge ever again.'


'What did you see?' Lan QiRen asked in a low voice.

'Everything he said is true plus so much more, even Madame Yu's anger as she used that damned Zidian on him from the first week he arrived at Lotus Pier. Wei Ying lived his whole life ... and after he died of old age, he was given the choice by a god, I did not catch his name, he could either move on to his next life or he could return to a certain day a few years ago to try saving people's lives.' He glanced at Wei Ying in the bed. 'Needless to say he chose to save people.'


'A war is coming from the Wens but not the little skirmish that we thought it would be, it will be an all out war involving every sect. Wei Ying plans to stop it single-handedly. Risking his life yet again to save ... everyone.'

'Just who is he trying to save.'

'All the small sects will be wiped out, literally. Thousands of people will be murdered and many of them will be used as puppets to kill even more ... he is actually ... that question he asked me that day his punishment in the library started, this is why he asked me that.'

'I think I will preform the empathy also.' Even as Lan QiRen reached out, he found a tight, painfully unyielding hand around his wrist stopping him even touching Wei WuXian.

'No uncle. One person is enough.'

'WangJi ...'

'No, any information needed, I already have.'

'Are you ...'

'Would you really want to invade his private memories ... especially since you really do not like Wei Ying on the grounds of his mother? Or how about the lies told to you by that pair. And he is .... like me ... but from what I saw, it's only because it's me. I don't understand what he meant by that.'

'WangJi, I think I understand what he means.' XiChen gave him a gentle smile. 'It means, he would never allow any other man touch him and he would never love any other man. He loves you for who you are, not first seeing you are male.' He almost grinned when his baby brother placed his fingers over his slight smiling lips and his ears tinted a little.

'From now on, I will be taking care of Wei Ying myself.' He turned his back on his uncle and brother who watched him in shock.

'Are you sure about this brother.'

'Yes. His actions are also for your protection from Jin GuangYao who will gladly see you die if it gets him what he truly wants. Su She will tell the Wens every secret he knows to save his own pathetic life. Wei Ying never believed that mask of Jin GuangYao, it had been perfected over the years since he was a child.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now