17: Asking XiChen for help

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An hour later, Cheng hurried over to YanLi and walked to the meeting room and asked to have a private word with XiChen who now sat reading some scrolls.

They both bowed deeply before greeting the man. 'Sect Leader Lan.'

'Please sit.' XiChen waited until they were settled and watched as looks of uncertainty passed form one to the other. 'If you are worried about being over heard, I can place a silence shield?'

'We would be grateful.' Cheng waited until the shield was in place.

'Now, would you tell me what has you both so worried?'

'It's about Wei WuXian ... It is a long story. He was brought into our family when he was very young and after he settled in he was ... um ...'

'I think I know what you are worried about. Even though we are strict with our rules, we do understand that some have bigger personalities.'

'Sect Leader Lan, we do not worry about A-Xian being loud, or the amount of times he may end up being punished for breaking the rules. In fact, that would have us settled.'

'A short while ago your concerns about his character would not have been wrong in the least, but now ... Wei WuXian seemed to change almost totally, though he has tried to hide it. He used to go to bed in the early morning, not waking before midday. Drinking only liquor and that was before thirteen. He was always loud; never really listening to or followed rules, hardly ever came to training ... he always did things his own way.'

'How has he changed?'

'He is asleep by nine, wakes around five in the morning, does hours of cultivation meditation every morning and evening. He has almost stopped drinking liquor altogether other than when it is traditional to drink a cup, and then there are the times we will find him looking into the distance so deep in thought he almost needs to be shaken back to reality. He goes out without taken Suibian, his spirit sword, like it doesn't occur to him that he may get into a situation that would be deadly without it.' Jiang Cheng looked to his sister so she could add some.

'Wei WuXian named his spirit sword Suibian?' XiChen asked in surprise.

'Yes. At first I was so angry he dared to be so disrespectful, then a few months ago I asked him why he would disrespect his spirit sword by name it like that and he said it was not that he named it to mean 'whatever' but he named it to be 'whatever it needed to be in a moment of crisis' he said as that was too long, he shortened it.'

'Really? That is very interesting.' XiChen pondered the two ways that name could actually be taken and liked that it could mean something so solemn but also be classed as frivolous at the same time.

'We have noticed there are times he seemingly chats about nothing in particular with people before we have meetings or guests and with his almost invisible hints, the meetings go better than we thought they would. If things look like they are about to fall apart, he only needs to say a few, apparently insignificant, and light-hearted words and the next thing, people come up with an idea that settles everything. Even though the solution is nothing to do with what Wei WuXian said, it now feels like it did.' Jiang YanLi frowned as she tried to work it out. 'He somehow .... Our parents are no longer separate because of something he said ... or so I heard mother say. Then I hear them whispering about something to do with him and my fiancé and even that has been sorted out.'

'There are people he has gone out of his way to befriend. The first was a small healing off shoot of the Wen Sect, not one of them has ever fought any battle but will heal anyone and protect those in need.' He didn't know anyone from the GusuLan Sect well enough to mention Wen Ning so kept him hidden.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now