24: The joyful punishment begins

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Lan Zhan keeping an eye on Wei Ying as he undertakes his punishment

When class finished that day, XiChen was going to talk to his uncle about what Wei Ying had asked WangJi. That whole idea of Wei Ying being different kept ringing in his mind when he realised that the young man almost sounded like a much older and far wiser person. Maybe it's time I have a one on one talk with him .... If my dear brother allows it that is. He seems to be seeking Wei Ying out more often these days. Just the other day, he had watched in wonder from a distance as his baby brother had been watching Wei Ying from a distance talking to some of the other students. One of the students had suddenly thrown his arm around Wei Ying's shoulder and went to pull him to the gates with a smile, only to have Lan Zhan walk over and all but force Wei Ying to follow him somewhere. Wei Ying had willingly gone even though his friends told him he didn't have too. He had smiled when Wei Ying grinned as he had called out to his friend he left behind 'Lan Zhan is fun to be around so I'd rather go with him.' XiChen had giggled at the look in WangJi's eyes at those words; his dear baby brother liked hearing those words said by Wei WuXian. All those people who had been around listening had stopped and stared at the pair as they left.

Wei Ying walked into the library with Lan Zhan and watched him pull a pile of scrolls and books and place them beside the desk opposite the one he himself would sit at.

'You sit here and copy them all.'

'Where are you sitting?'

'Over there.' He pointed across the way.

'Why are we so far away from each other Lan Zhan ... do you secretly hate me?'

'No, you are here so I can keep an eye on you.'

'Oh, really Lan Zhan ... you want to watch me that closely, you don't want to take your eyes off me?'


'No, interesting.' Wei Ying grinned then sat in his place and watched as Lan Zhan elegantly placed himself at his table then set to work as soon as he sat down without even looking at Wei Ying. Wei Ying smiled lightly. 'Hey, Lan Zhan ... how many times do I need to write them out for you?'

'One hundred times.'

'Really? One hundred times?'

'Yes now please start or it will take you longer.'

'Okay, I will be a good boy for you and do my work.' He grinned happily then began to write.

That evening after class finished, Lan XiChen walked with his uncle and told him of the conversation he over heard then waited for any kind of response.

'And you think he is trying to stop something from happening or something like that?'

'It was just a hypothetical question like in class, but something about his expression was ... very serious.'

'I see.' Master Lan walked further in silence before he came to a conclusion of his own. 'He is just trying to drag WangJi into mischief. I have talked to a few of the other students and they all say he is mischievous and drinks too much.' He didn't say this information came from just one student, a student who had been looked down on by almost all the other students. He chose to believe Jin GuangYao over Wei WuXian any day. One had the quiet disposition he liked to see in his students and not once had he said or done anything against the Lan Sect rules. Where as the first night Wei WuXian had broken many of their rules. He didn't trust him at all.

'Uncle ....'

'Leave this with me. I will keep a close eye on him while I am not in class.'

'Just do not judge him too harshly uncle. There is something about him ...'

'I will deal with him.' he strode off without looking back. I will not allow him to damage either of my nephews ... I owe their father that much.

Wei Ying sat in the library and followed what his memories told him he did the last time and he enjoyed being alone with Lan Zhan even if they were only friends at the moment.

'Lan Zhan ... why are you always so quiet?'

'Nothing to say.'

'I'm sure you have things to say, you just don't know how to say them or when is the best time to say them.'

'No. I just have nothing worth saying.'

'Nothing worth saying? I think you have many things worth saying if you just mmmmnmnmnnn.' He looked over at Lan Zhan with large eyes and pointed to his mouth.

'This is silence that most GusuLan Sect Members can do, if you keep talking instead of working, I will use it again.' He released Wei Ying who all but fell onto his table gasping for air.

'Lan Zhan ... please do not do that if I have a stuffy nose ... you will kill me for I will not be able to get air.' He put his hands in a praying stance.

'Then you just need to work and stay silent.'

'Lan Zhan ... for now I will comply ... but I like to talk and can talk and copy at the same time ...mmmmnmm.' He frowned at Lan Zhan but this time the silence stayed. He gave a sad puppy look then sunk down and made himself look really sad as he began to write again.

Time passed and again he was silenced after bugging the Jade Beauty a few times. Each time he was silenced, he placed himself at his table and started writing the rules out. He had scrolls open around him and dipped the brush with a smile.

Lan Zhan sighed, it had not even been a week since this punishment started and he had to silence Wei Ying five times. Now he looked at Wei Ying without lifting his head and stayed watching for quite some time when he realised something. Wei Ying had yet to even glance at the scrolls that contained the rules and yet he just kept writing.

What was he writing when he was meant to be copying the rules?

Does he never follow orders?

So he waited until the right time then lifted his head.

'Wei Ying, go for lunch and be back in one hour.'

'What about you?'

'As before, I will finish then follow.'

'Can I wait for you?' he gave the man a sweet smile and noted his ears tint just a little.


'Fine, fine.' Wei Ying knew this adorable man never left the library with him before they were married and years later he was told why and it was such a cute reason. 'I will meet you soon.' Neither said it but every day for lunch and at the end of the day, Wei Ying would wait not far from the library until Lan Zhan arrived which was getting sooner and sooner. Almost like Lan Zhan didn't want to keep him waiting too long.


Wei Ying walked out of the library and hurried to one rooftop and jumped up to wait with his mind remembering Lan Zhan's reason. His grin could not be stopped. That darling man refused to leave the library with him because years ago his brother had told him the first time he walks from this one library with another person, that would be his life partner. Wei Ying giggled at that. It had taken till the month after their marriage before he agreed to leave the library with him and it had taken him almost ten years before he wormed that little gem from Lan Zhan.

When Wei Ying was out of sight from where he sat, Lan Zhan stood up and walked over to where he had been writing. As he had noted that nothing had been hidden before the young man left, he knew what Wei Ying had been writing was laying on top. When he saw the rice paper with black ink, his breath caught. 'That is not possible.' He ripped the paper from the table and looked at every word. It was perfectly written and not one mistake; it reminded him of his own writing. Wei Ying has been writing the Lan Sect rules from memory? He looked at the scrolls that were open over the table and floor only to find that only a few of them were the sect rules. How are you even doing this when you don't even know the rules ... or do you? He placed the paper in its place then left for lunch.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now