2: I'm dreaming right?..... No, this is real!

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Author's Note: From here on, we go back to calling Lan Ying, Wei Ying. Yep surprise, it's not a dream.

In a single fluid movement Wei Ying jumped to his feet, his sword drawn and turned around. On reflex it was pointed straight at the neck of the person who spoke.

Jiang Cheng froze for a moment at the look of power in Wei Ying's eyes that he had never seen before. 'What are you doing! ... I think if this is what you are like if you wake up on time ... you should never wake up before noon.'

Wei Ying slowly looked at Jiang Cheng, even as his sword fell to the wooden floor, only to feel tears burn his eyes at the sight of the person before him. 'Cheng ...' he breathed out and then threw himself into his former sect brothers' arms. 'I missed you, you idiot.' Twenty three years ago, Jiang Cheng had died while out on a night hunt and it had caused a scar on his heart as he had not been there to save him. 'Promise me you will be extra careful during night hunts from now on no matter who is with you.'

'I saw you last night before I went to bed and I'm always careful when night hunting ... you on the other hand are a cause for concern all of the time.' Jiang Cheng pushed him away but blushed at Wei Ying's reaction. 'What is up with you this morning Wei Ying?' he pretended to straighten up his robes.

As Wei Ying opened his mouth to say something smart, he froze at the almost forgotten gentle voice that drifted to him in concern.

'Xian-Xian, you are up early ... are you feeling alright?'

'... YanLi ...' his eyes shot over Cheng's shoulder and looked at her moving towards them in a swirl of lavender, her black hair drifting behind her as the breeze picked up, even as he whispered her name two more people came into view and Wei Ying felt his heart twisting painfully to the point that the tears wouldn't stop. These people he missed so much would often show up in his dreams but ... why was there so much pain this time?

'Why are you crying just seeing my sister?' Cheng looked like he was trying to be stern but the look in his eyes spoke of his worry. 'You saw her last night also you know. With me you hug and spout nonsense and with her you cry?'

YanLi had that older sister concerned look that only rose when she was worried for him, like when he broke his leg the first night he arrived. Or when he was trembling in fear of dogs.

Madame Yu, even though her face was filled with anger, her eyes held a hint of worry even though it was the first time he had ever seen that worry aimed at him.

Uncle FengMian .... Oh that dear man who saved his life, obviously didn't know what to do at the look of distress on his face, tears running uncontrolled down his cheeks.

With his hand planted over his heart, Wei Ying tried to catch his breath at the sight of these four people .... Alive .... Young .... Unharmed.

It was too real.

There were no stupid words coming from any them like in his other dreams of them. 'Uncle ... Madame Yu ...' he felt his stomach give a lurch.

'Xian-Xian what's wrong? You are so pale. Why are you crying ... did someone upset you?' Jiang YanLi went to put her hand on his forehead to see if he had a temperature but he backed away with a look so torn, she froze for a moment. 'A-Xian?'

'No .... You .... Are ...... NO!' Wei Ying almost shouted as he stumbled back a few steps. 'This is not real ...'

'Wei WuXian, I think you should ...'

As his uncle stepped forwards Wei Ying shuddered remembering the last time he had seen his uncle and Madam Yu ... dead in a pool of blood, holding each others hands as if in the last moments of life they finally reached out to their love. 'No!' he called out as they all stepped towards him with worried looks. 'I don't like this dream ... I need to wake up .... Please, please, please let me wake up.' He whispered softly before racing from the area only to run all the way and hiding in the first tree he had ever climbed at Lotus Pier.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now