43: Su She on the attack ... so ... No real danger then?

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A few days later, while Lan Zhan went for a quick word with his brother and uncle, Wei Ying walked around in the restricted area, until he heard a cold voice from behind him.

'What are you doing in this area?'

'Ah Su She.' Wei Ying turned around and gave the traitor a cold smile only to fake looking over his shoulder with a frown. 'What ...' when Su She turned to look over his shoulder, he produced a message butterfly and sent it off. 'Sorry, I thought I saw a dark shadow over there, and as to your question, I am just here for a walk ... why are you not in your swordsmanship class?'

'I'm doing my job to stop uninvited people getting into the forbidden areas of the Cloud Recesses.'

'Really? Then if I were you, I would get on with my job.' Suddenly there was a sword pointing at his heart and Su She wore a smile almost like he had hit the jackpot.

'That is just want I intend on doing.'

'What are you doing?' Wei Ying asked as he looked at the tip of the sword that was aimed at him by Su She. However, all Wei Ying could think of at that moment was




He looks like a flaming idiot like this.



Do I mess with his head about that or have other fun with him?


He is just so annoying.



Screw him! I feel like having fun with him so time to act the idiot.

Even though he really wanted to rip Su She's head off and throw it in some rubbish heap somewhere then bind his soul to that place, he decided to play innocent. He didn't let him know that his secret was already exposed as Lan XiChen had told them both he would be taking steps himself.

So what will I do first?

It was raining rather hard earlier. He let his eyes scan the area and came up with something entertaining for himself.

'Lan Su She, did you hear my question?'

'Getting a spy out of the Cloud Recesses.'



He put on an innocent but excited face. 'Who ... who is the spy ... you really need to tell Lan XiChen or Master Lan instantly.'

'Shut up, you do not tell me what to do.'

'Oh no, I'm not trying to do that, I just thought you would want to advise your sect leader of some ... disgusting little spy being within the area. Don't you think the same thing?'


Wei Ying wanted to laugh at the dumbfounded look on his face. 'Would you tell me who the spy is; I promise to keep an eye out for them.'

'You are the spy.'

Wei Ying stood there with his head tilted to the side and an utterly stupefied look on his face. 'Me .... I'm a spy ... really? ... who for ....'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now