27: Wei Ying shuts himself off from everyone

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Sorry for the language in the picture above, I just could not resist the angry Master Lan.


When Master Lan called on him to answer a question, he answered it with a word for word answer from the book. He didn't care about the looks he might have received from the other students. He just kept reading the scroll until he finished it, and then placed it aside and lifted the next. By every table there were always ten scrolls every day. You were to pick them up from the left, read them and then place them on the right so over night, they can be replaced with new ones on the left.

As they were to have an hour a day that they were to sit there reading a scroll that Master Lan told them to. Wei Ying just kept reading until Master Lan walked up to his desk and called on him.

'Why are you not reading the scroll I called to be read Wei WuXian? What right do you have ...' Master Lan let everyone hear his dislike of this boy only to stop when, without looking up at him, Wei WuXian reached out his right hand and picked up the scroll everyone else was reading.


'I do not believe you.' He stopped dead as when he opened the scroll, Wei WuXian began to say what was on the scroll, word for word ... in an almost dead voice. He let Wei WuXian continue for a few minutes until he slammed the scroll onto the desk and stalked away. 'Everyone read!'

Lan XiChen had been watching his uncle and knew yet again he was just picking on Wei WuXian so he could show him up in class. On the other hand, he had been watching Wei WuXian also and knew he had already read the scroll. Why was his uncle picking on a single student in such a way? For most of the time Wei WuXian was the only student he called on to answer questions and not once did the young man falter. However at the same time, Wei WuXian seemed .... Empty.

That evening, XiChen sat with his uncle while WangJi was off meditating.

'Uncle, why are you picking on Wei WuXian so much?'

'I am not. I am just keeping order.'

'No. I've watched you since he has been here and .... What is it about him that you rile against so much?' He only just stopped himself using the word bullying as to bully someone is against their rules ... but still ...

'If he is so quiet in class ... he is up to something and I will never permit that to happen.'

'He is not up to anything. That poor young man is in pain for some reason.'

'He is just acting. I have been told that he has been seen running around during the night and drinking inside the Cloud Recesses. I refuse to stop until he is stopped.'

'That man does not come out of his room unless ...'

'Stop.' Master Lan slammed his tea cup onto the table, small drops of tea splashing over the table. 'He has been seen doing so ... but by the time I arrive, he is long gone, scurried back to his room like a thief. When I catch him myself, he will be expelled and told to never return.'

'Who is telling you this?'

'Never mind. I trust him.'

'Not WangJi, surely?'

'He has nothing to do with that student and never will.' He rose from the table and went to walk from the room.

'Uncle, I will not allow even you to break the no bullying rule. You are skirting that rule way too close for some reason and I will protect him.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now