35: Wei Ying makes plans .... while sleepwalking

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Before either his brother or uncle could utter a single word, Lan XiChen held up his hand to keep them quiet.

'Yes of course, I will get to the others first and keep them from the Wen Sect. Then somehow go in and get the one from the Wens at Nightless city ... bring them back here and .... And what?' He again walked. 'The last time, I ... no, forget that, that life is yet to be, or has never been and never can be ...' he placed his hands over his heart at the pain. 'Oh Lan Zhan ...' he gasped. 'I don't know what I did to make you hate me ... no, act now, think of the rest later. I will leave by myself, first the lady florist, then the slaughter cave for the sword. The one from the statue is the one the Wen's have, and the one from the Burial Mounds may not be there if it really is the one from the cave, but then I need to head over to the Chang Sect ... I will ask for it ... he is not there to wipe them out ... but as Lan ... HanGuang-Jun said, another will take his place.' he slowly worked out what he was to do. Each piece needed to be collected so he could destroy them. Destroy them to the point they can not even be gathered to be mended.

'Even when I have all the Yin Iron pieces that does not mean it is all over with. That pair acted because they were jealous and wanted it all. I will figure more out when I return.'

He settled in his heart what he needed to do and with a deep sigh he turned back to the entrance and walked towards it.

'Even if it means being hated and feared in yet another life time ... they must be destroyed ... they all need to be saved.' as he reached the arch, he gripped the entrance as tears again rolled down his cheeks. 'Forgive me Lan Zhan if I fail ... just ... please don't hate me any more. Even though you refuse to remember ... even though you have locked me out in the cold ... why ... why ... Lan Zhan you gave me your oath.'

Lan Zhan watched with his heart trembling as Wei Ying's legs gave out under him. He shot over and lifted Wei Ying over his shoulder because of the wounds on his back, even before his knees had hit the ground.

'WangJi, bring him to the healers and I think one of us need to preform empathy on him ... his words were too jumbled to get the full story of what is coming or even if it is just a dream he keeps having. However, just in case, from the sounds of it, we need to know it all.' XiChen said as he and their uncle walked to the entrance.

'Are you both actually believing all of this .... It is far too convenient ....'

'Enough uncle.' XiChen said with a warning glance at him.

'Brother ... wait until he wakes and see if he will tell us in his own words first. Then if he agrees, I will preform Empathy myself.'

'WangJi? Are you sure ... by his words ...'

'Me, only me brother ... uncle ... do as you wish, but understand one thing ... next time, you will have to go through me first.' He walked on without bothering to see if his brother and uncle followed, he didn't even bother listening to the angry words his uncle said to his brother, or the words of authority that were replied back. When he reached the healers room, he gently placed Wei Ying on his stomach on the bed and then sat on the edge and felt for his pulse. It was almost steady but it felt a little weak.

'WangJi? Why are you not putting him on his back ...' he stopped at the look in his brothers eyes when he lifted them momentarily before returning to care for Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan noted a hand about to touch Wei Ying's temple and without any thought, his hand lashed out and grabbed it strongly as he looked to his uncle with a deep sense of distrust. 'What do you think you are doing?'

'I am going to preform Empathy ...'

'No! I will be the one to do that and not until after he wakes and I talk to him in detail. I think after last nights punishment from you, he will not want you in his mind.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now