6: The gathering begins with Wen .... but there is a problem

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The next morning, Wei Ying, Jiang Cheng and Jiang FengMian stood on the docks as things were checked over.

'I know you stuffed something up and this whole thing will be called off.' Jiang Cheng whispered as he waited, even though he really wanted to go.

'I missed nothing. I will not take the chance of not helping them.'

'Sure, did you happen to remember the horses after we get off the boats?'

'Hm, a man is placed on the lookout so as we are coming into the dock, the horses will be readied half an hour before we arrive so we do not even need to wait for them to be saddled.' He ignored the shocked look of the whole family, even Madame Yu who had just arrived in time to hear him. 'Food has been arranged and any stops on the way will be on hold for us as I sent a runner ahead.' He just stood looking out at the water wanting to get this whole thing underway.

'Sect Leader Jaing, every detail is in order, nothing was missed.' One of his servants showed him the check list.

'Yes, yes. Can we go now?' Wei Ying was getting antsy to be off so he could see Wen Ning and Wen Qing. For some reason, since the moment he decided to bring them into the Jiang Sect, he felt like something might be wrong. He needed to see them to be sure nothing was wrong.

Every step of the way, both Jiang FengMian and Jiang Cheng were shocked that anything they would have thought of, was ready waiting for them when they got to certain points. They let Wei Ying lead the way as he seemed to know where they were heading .... Even if he denied this when asked. He would just say he was following what someone else told him.

But one evening Jiang Cheng stood before Wei Ying with his arms crossed and a frown on his face, he had brought Wei Ying a distance from camp to talk with him.

'Just tell me the truth already. Who told you about this group of people?'

'Cheng, you should know that if you find a person who is willing to pass information to you on the understanding that you tell no one anything about them .... You must protect that source.'

'Yes I agree, but you have us out here following you so ....'

'Please, just trust me that the information I have is reliable. This group will bring your sect not just some of the best healers around, but utterly loyal people. Just because they have the name of Wen, does not mean they hold the beliefs of the main sect. I have it on good authority that they are not fighters but there is one who can protect their clan. Sometimes we need to look past the name of the person to find out who they truly are.'

'....' Jiang Cheng just stood there as his words settled in his mind.

'On a different subject ... I heard that we will be sent to Cloud Recesses for training when we are sixteen or seventeen.'


'The GusuLan Sect is renowned for their manners, character, morals .... Oh, and let's not forget their beauty.'

'Yes, the three of us will go for training but not until you are seventeen.' Then he growled out the next words. 'You will not cause trouble ... right?'

'What kind of trouble could I ever cause?' He gave that famous innocent look he used even into his old age.

'I know you well enough to know you will only have to walk in and all hell will break loose.'

'I hear that Lan Qiren is incredibly strict but his nephew HanGuang-Jun is far stricter.'

'I have no idea ....'

'What about the clothes ... they wear white like they are going to a funeral and we will need to don the same white.'

'They also wear blue.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now