19: Godling removed some memories of his

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'I think we are as you have given me such an honour as calling you by your name, Lan Zhan.' However the next thing he knows, he almost fell face first on the mat in front of Master Lan and sect leader Lan XiChen. He managed to stay on his hands and knees though. 'Lan Zhan, what are you doing .... That was very rude of you.' he indicated his family. 'They might think you are breaking yet another of your own sect rules and bullying me.' He jumped to his feet and gave a deep bow to the two of Lan Zhan's family. 'I apologize for such an entrance, but as you can see, it was not of my doing because I never would have landed on my face in front of you.' He wanted so see at least two of this trio smile this night. Lan XiChen was a given because he had a warm heart but the other two ... he wanted one of them to crack. He smiled happily as he turned to Lan Zhan. 'Lan Zhan, you don't normally throw people around like that, do you? Surely not the great Jade Beauty?'


'No, not insolent. Look Lan Zhan, I already explained it to you, did I not?' Wei Ying then turned to the pair watching with their mouths slightly open. 'I do apologise for this but I just can not get Lan Zhan to understand ....' He looked at the man out the corner of his eyes with a soft smile. 'Is it not past nine already.' something odd was in the room and he could not remember what his dreams had shown him of this encounter so just kept up his little act because it was so much fun watching Lan Zhan fight his instincts to attack him ... or shout at him.

'Obviously young Wei WuXian.'

'Well apparently there is this rule about being in bed by nine o'clock; I only know this because Lan Zhan was kind enough to point it out ... as I was climbing back in ....'

'So you also broke the entry ward?' Lan XiChen watched the young boy with a hidden smile.

'Oh no Sect Leader Lan, I would never do that.'

'Then how did you enter the Cloud Recesses after curfew if you didn't break it? The ward is placed the moment the curfew begins and I must say the ward is incredibly strong.'

'Yes, I found that out when I returned. So beautifully crafted. May I ask who created that ward?'

'At the moment I place it every night.'

'Sect Leader Lan, your workmanship is rather amazing when touched, there is such intricate .... Weavings of the ward as it moves within the gateway. I guarantee that no strong attack will get through it ... how long did it take to make it this strong?'

'Over five generations of continually adding to it every week.'

'That is really remarkable, only five generations and it has already ....' Wei Ying continued only to be interrupted.

'You entered after curfew.' Master Lan cut in over what he was going to say after he forced himself to get answers.

'Which I did not know about at the time.'

'After curfew without breaking it?' Master Lan prompted not wanting to deal with his nonsense. 'Answer the question.'

Lan XiChen suddenly saw how this young man could twist any conversation to move it away from the direction he didn't want it to go without you realising what he did. However fortunately his uncle was a man of a single track mind ... and Wei WuXian seemed ... mildly distracted.

'Easy, I just walked through it with Ghosting ... I guarantee I am the only one able to do this and I would never tell anyone else how to do it.' He held up his hand as if in surrender.

'Ghosting? What is this?' Master Lan growled out at the rude boy. He really is just like his mother.

'Oh it is just something I invented to use to step through a ward of restriction without doing any kind of damage to it.' He put his fingers to his lips as he thought about how he does it. Not even in his last life did he contemplate it. 'I am indeed able to move through any ward, well, ninety eight percent of them anyway, maybe it's because I hold no animosity towards anyone on the other side so I convince the ward to just ... lets me through ... however, I can not hear past a silence shield or see past a blinding shield, because they are used for privacy for those using it and I hold no will to ...' something suddenly smashed into his head coming from the left and so with his left hand pressed to the side of his head as he staggered a single step to the right from the impact. To his surprise, Lan Zhan's hand had shot out and took his arm to keep him upright. 'Thank you Lan Zhan but ... What is that? It seriously wants attention.' He turned his head and leant forwards to look past the obviously confused Lan Zhan. To be honest he had been trying to ignore whatever it was that was over there as he had been trying to turn the conversation but was distracted by it.

Now whatever it was, forced his attention to the screen.

XiChen didn't let too much of his shock show when his baby brother held Wei WuXian upright. That young man had never liked physical contact with others. 'Where did you learn to do this kind of cultivation?' Lan XiChen asked as he watched the young man become confused or ... worried as he looked at the room dividing screen. XiChen knew what lay behind that screen but what had gotten Wei WuXian's attention in that direction? He almost seemed powerfully drawn towards it.

'Hmmm.... Don't really know .... Just do it naturally. No two people who use the same cultivation actually do the same thing, the person changes it ... even when you instruct all in the same vein ... you will see and feel the difference. Even though it has nothing to do with their strength, you can see the difference just as you see the difference in their strength.' he spoke as if not really thinking as he walked past them all and placed his trembling hand on a screen divider. He didn't even note that he had dropped his sword to the floor from his right hand, nor it's clanging on the floor. 'I just do it and it works .... No way ...' he spun and looked at the three.

'What?' Lan Zhan couldn't help but ask before his brother or uncle did.

'Why do you cover a living with a white cloth? I understand Lan Zhan said you do not use liquor to give respect to the ancestors, departed, births, marriage, deaths and the like .... But to cover a living with a white cloth?'

'The man is dead.' Master Lan said darkly.

'I suppose it depends on you definition of dead ... does it not?'

'You are dead or alive. No other.' Lan Zhan stepped a little closer as he spoke.

'I'm sorry Lan Zhan, but there are other choices and you have one of those choices right here.'

'You think he will become a fierce corpse?' XiChen asked surprised that anyone could tell before it happened.

'No, this is very different because a fierce corpse is a person who returns to claim its rights if its body is disrespected or the like .... This is not that as there is an essence of life still within the body.' With a swish of his hand the screen flew to the side of the room and leant against the wall, even as the white cloth slithered off the body and placed itself neatly over the divider.

However, the instant the cloth was removed, a chilly blast of air raced through the whole room, like a blast of winter had arrived. Chilling everyone to the bone.

Lan Zhan watched silently as Wei Ying slowly turned with wide eyes and looked around the room as if expecting something or someone horrible to be standing there. When nothing happened after the gust died down, with a shake of his head, he returned his attention to the man on the table.

'Wei WuXian.' Lan XiChen called softly almost afraid of him actually answering him. He just realised even if his sect siblings had not confided in him, he would have thought there was something off with Wei Ying ... just not in a bad way. The truth was, he found the young man incredibly interesting.

'Oh.' Wei Ying walked slowly over and suddenly remembered this part.

That was the moment Wei Ying realised that it was not only Lan Zhan who had his memories removed. Even though his husband came back without any of his memories, it seems that the godling had removed certain memories from his mind that would only be returned when the right moment arrived ..... and that will be difficult for him.

Oh damn, this will look really odd now. He glanced at the two who had moved to the other side of the table that held the man, while Lan Zhan stood a few feet from him. Crap, how do I explain this ... Oh well, just go with it and try not to screw it up any further. 'I hate to say this but ... this man is not technically dead.' He leant down and looked at the markings on the face and neck, like strong burn marks had been scorched into the flesh ... in the shape of lightning lines radiating out from the burns. The markings looked just like in his memories.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now