15: Things have changed, where's Lan Zhan?

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Wei Ying finally controlled his laughter at the thought of that man being misunderstood to this extent. 'Really, do you both only listen to whispered gossip of the people who failed to pass first time round?' He stood there and grinned at the pair. 'If the jade beauty had really taken out his heart, we would not be talking about him being scary, because he would be dead.'

'There you go again. Please, while we are here, will you not use that title?' Cheng growled menacingly and punched Wei WuXian's arm.

'Why? He is said to utterly deserve the title and what's the use of a title if it is not used?' Wei Ying was sure no one has worked out just when and where the title Jade Beauty had begun. If I told Lan Zhan the truth, would I get one of those adorable eye roll of his?

After seeing an odd look on Wei WuXian's face, Cheng looked to YanLi and let her see his worry. 'We are all going to be thrown out before the first month is over.'

'Never mind, let's keep going. I want to be settled before the dinner meal is served.' YanLi smiled gently at the pair and started walking up the mountain again.

Memories suddenly flashed in Wei Ying's mind, about his parents deaths when he was only five, well, almost but not quite five and for the next two years and a bit he lived on the streets. They were the worst years of his life. He was treated like either he was invisible or beaten by the people when he begged for food. However, the worst thing was the dogs. More than once a week he would have to fight them for what scraps he could get his hands on and every so often, more like every other week, the dogs thought he looked like a better meal than the scraps so attacked him. Surprisingly he lived through that period of his life, with the scars to prove it, only to be found by his mothers' brother who took him in and raised him like a son. Even though he knew in truth, he was there to be Cheng's right hand. To fight for him, and take a mortal wound for him to save his life.

He shook his head to get rid of all these memories of his past life as he was determined to just look forwards to this life's future.

'Don't get us lost up here A-Ying; we would be lost for days if you do.'

'YanLi, I would never do that. I have the map here ... um... somewhere.' He made a show of patting his robes as if looking for it. 'I'm sure I still have it somewhere.'

'Somewhere? The map is somewhere? Are you not using it to take us there?' Cheng growled at him.

'Sure, oh don't worry so much; I look at it now and then but .... Well ... I'm sure if we go the wrong way; all we need to do is back track and take another road. That way we will remember the way faster than using a map.'

'Wei WuXian ... I swear ....' He stopped when Wei Ying laughed happily.

'Cheng, please take a breath. I look at it for every turn we need to make.' He walked ahead with a smile. 'You are just too much fun to not mess with now and then.' He fluttered the map in front of him before returning it to his robe.

However, Wei Ying could walk these hills in his sleep, with his eyes closed, night or day, in the thickest fog or anyway anyone would ask him to do.

He wondered what people would say if he told them outright what he knew was coming.

Would they think he had something wrong with his brain and discard him?

He never intended to tell anyone either, as the only person who did know was Wen Ning and at the moment he was guarding Madame Yu on her trip to the Jin sect. To his surprise, she treated Wen Ning incredibly well and never abused him. She would talk kindly to him and about him. Wei Ying was very happy for that and he and Wen Quin had grown even stronger in healing while being with the Jaing Sect and both were more than happy.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now