28: The true face of Nie HuaiSang

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A few days after Lan XiChen spoke to him, Wei Ying realised it was almost time for the trip to the lake so he waited for the first free day and hurried there on his own, he made sure to remove his red hair tie and wrap it around his wrist to hide it. That way if anyone did see him, they would not be able to see it and give away that it had been him. He didn't think of making a flute, instead he just whistled to use Demonic Cultivation. Before he attempted to deal with the Aqua Demon, he dragged every Water Ghoul to join in with the group then proceeded to drag the Aqua Demon from the water with Demonic Cultivation and lured it higher up the mountain and place it inside a dark dry cave where no one had ever walked then caused a small landslide to cover the entrance so no one would ever go in. It would take much longer for it to die but ... no living person would die. When he was far enough away, he retied his hair then silently returned to the Cloud Recesses and passing everyone who asked where he had gone by himself. He didn't stop or answer any of them; he just wanted to be in his room ... however he was made to stop when HanGuang-Jun stepped before him and again refused to let him pass.

'Where did you go?'


'You went out the Cloud Recesses?'


'Without you sword?'

Wei Ying lifted his hand and finally realised he didn't take it with him. He dropped his hands. 'Hmmn.'


'Walk.' He then gave him a bow and walked away. '... HanGuang-Jun.' He walked into his room and locked the door even as the pain of calling him that caused tears to roll from his eyes.

As Master Lan had long since given up on asking him questions, now he used every ounce of spare energy he had not to cry in class or throw himself at Lan ... HanGuang-Jun. It was incredibly difficult to the point that last night he spat up a little blood from the stress.

One day on his way to his room, Nie HuaiSang stopped him as he fluttered his fan before his face.

'Wei WuXian ...'

Before he could continue Wei Ying reached out, closed the fan and moved his hand to rest the fan over Nie HuaiSang's heart. 'Never leave room ... without gift.' As he went to walk away he felt Nie HuaiSang gently take his arm.

'It was you ... the fan ...' however at that moment Jin GuangYao was moving in their direction.

'Trust is something you need to hand out .... With great discretion.' With that Wei Ying went to his room.

Nie HuaiSang was fast enough to realise Wei Ying was not only the one who gifted him this fan but ... he really did not trust his attendant Nie HuaiSang at all.

'Young Master Nie, is there a problem? Did Wei WuXian say anything mean to you?'

'Mean? Why would he? He has not said a word to anyone outside of class in weeks and you suddenly think he will talk to me? He just closed my fan when I waved it in his face to stop him walking away.'

'How rude of him to treat you in such a way. He use to be very different, now he is just cold and rude to all.'

That was the first time Nie HuaiSang took total notice of his attendant. Oh, he had been watching everyone carefully since Wei Ying's letter and gift arrived but ... this was the first time he truly noted something off with the way Jin GuangYao worded somethings, to make people think badly of another person. Before, he would just nod his head and think about it only to come to his own conclusion later but now ... Jin GuangYao was really not to be trusted and that sunk deep into his heart. However, just like every other time, he just nodded his head and they walked on. Don't give anything away and use what you learn he thought to himself as he again fluttered the fan before his face. Yes, acting as if I know nothing and listen to everything is really the way to go. They think I am slow and stupid because I have repeated my training but .... Little do they know I am only staying here to see those who pass through ... gods, if brother figures this out ... I am one dead man. 'Lets find Jiang Cheng; he is fun to be around sometimes. I feel like going into town with him.' he gave his famous I know nothing smile and they were off. Now I can really start investigating, but does Jiang Cheng know anything?

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now