53: Setting off and Madam Yu's temper

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'I'm .... We are sorry for making a fuss but I really wanted to give you three some food for your travels.' YanLi proceeded to hand over three parcels to each traveller as she spoke. 'Make sure you eat properly and do not over do anything. Don't get injured fighting. If you do, make sure you use the medical herbs I have placed in this pouch.' She handed one pouch to each.

'YanLi, YanLi, YanLi ... you have not changed in the least. Always over doing the food when there are places to buy them on the way.' He smiled kindly at her only to feel Lan Zhan step a little closer to him.

'I remember that memory; Jiang YanLi was almost throwing food at the pair of you until she was stopped.' Lan Zhan stored his food then took Wei Ying's and stored it also then .... With not as happy movements, stored Wen Ning's supplies also. 'If we run out, I have money on me so there is no need to worry about Wen Ning or Wei Ying.'

'And you HanGuang-Jun ... you are now my ... our brother-in-law. So I must worry for you also.' She smiled with a blush only to be rewarded with her brother-in-law giving her a gentle smile however, when her brother spoke, that smile vanished as if it had never existed.

'Just let them go already will you. The sooner they are on their way, the sooner they can return and you can spoil them rotten again.'

'I am not spoiling them.'

'You never take that much care of me ... and I'm your brother.' He just looked at the three who were trying to leave. 'Just go and do what you have to. But I swear, if you get hurt or worse on this trip, I will personally hunt the three of you down.' He turned around and stormed off leaving them all watching him. He could feel his face heating up horribly.

'He cared more than he lets on.' XiChen smile at the young man hurrying way then looked at the three before him. 'If not for his sake, for everyone else's, stay safe the three of you. Return as soon as possible and most importantly .... Don't go to the Wen's. When you have all the other Yin Irons, return here and we will all go with you.'

Wei Ying looked to XiChen. 'Please keep an eye on him ... he never speaks the words he wants to and it always comes out cold and angry.'

'It's alright; I have already figured that part out.' He bowed to them as YanLi did her bow.

'Farewell Brother.' Lan Zhan gave a bow.

'Farewell Lan XiChen, YanLi take care of them all like you always have.' Wei Ying bowed as Wen Ning also bowed.

As they turned to leave, Lan Zhan placed himself between his new wife and Wen Ning only to hear his brother laugh along with the light giggle of his new sister in law.

'I do not envy Wen Ning, for the next month will be a little difficult for him. He loves Wei Ying like a brother, and has become a very tactile boy ... and now he has no way of any skin ship.' She giggled at she watched Lan Zhan take hold of Wei Ying's hand as if afraid he will try to switch places and stand beside another man. 'Poor boy.'

'I promise my baby brother will not do anything against Wen Ning.'

'I know he will not do anything physical but ... I have to say no man in love will like his new wife looking at another man.'

Back at the meeting hall the group gathered before the bell woke everyone for the day.

'Madame Yu, I would like you to place your seal here and here please.'

'Why are you suddenly so ... polite? It's making my spine tighten up. What else have you included in this document you have not informed me of old man.' She ripped the document off the table to the shocked looks of everyone around the table. She began to read it from start to finish.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now