26: Wei Ying suddenly feels the ice of Lan Zhan

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Over this month of his punishment, Wei Ying noted that not once did Lan Zhan complain about being made to eat with him, sit with him, to see only him during the daytime. Sure since the second day they had at least seen each other morning and night for meditation, but to spend all day every day with Lan Zhan was wonderful ... and not just a little bit of torture. He would often feel his heart warm up but at the same time it constricted as he was not able to reach out to Lan Zhan. He woke every morning expecting that man to be holding him tightly in his arm, to kiss him awake ... instead he woke up alone and lonely.

On the last day of writing the rules, Master Lan arrived with a deep frown. 'WangJi, come with me for a moment, I want a private word with you.'

'Hmm.' He looked to Wei Ying. 'Continue.'

'Yes Lan Zhan.' He grinned happily up at the man who gave him a tiny smile in return, then set to work. It was rather odd that Master Lan had even come to the library during his punishment as he was sure the man didn't do this the last time. He only spent a little while wondering what they were talking about before setting to work. He had been writing for about twenty minutes before Lan Zhan returned looking rather odd, pale and his eyes were filled with an emotion he had never seen in his eyes.

'Lan Zhan? Is something wrong?'

'Work, no talk.'

Wei Ying almost cringed at the icy tone of his voice. Something had happened and it had affected Lan Zhan really badly. 'Lan Zhan something happhmmn ...' he stopped when he was silenced without any notice.

No look or words of warning ... nothing, just the silence placed on him. In all the years they had known each other in the last life, Lan Zhan had never done anything like this. If his mouth could open it would have hit the floor.

He had never known Lan Zhan to act without warning.

'Work and from now on, only call me ... HanGuang-Jun.'

He felt his eyes grow in shock as his whole body shivered at the ice that filled Lan Zhan's voice.

What is this, why is he so cold to me?

Why is he revoking his permission to call him Lan Zhan?

What happened? He felt his heart tremble even as his hands did.

Something has changed for the worse.

I don't like that look of distance in his eyes when he looks at me.

It's like there is no recognition of him in those eyes.

For the remaining part of the day, he didn't say a single word until he picked up his work and walked over to Lan Zhan. He didn't even bother going for lunch ... and Lan Zhan had not indicated for him to go for lunch either.

'I have finished Lan Zmmmm, mhmm.' He froze in horror.

He was for real.

I am only to call him HanGuang-Jun from now on?

I hate this?

Does he hate me?

Did I do something so bad that he hates me enough to cut me off totally?

Lan Zhan, just tell me .... Talk to me?

Lan Zhan.

He placed the pages on the table with a trembling hand even as his eyes burnt from the tears that threatened. He felt the Silence lifted. 'Han ... Guang ... Jun ... I have finished ... I will not ... be back ... tomorrow.' He watched as without looking at him at all, Lan Zhan flipped through the pages ... then ... used his hand in a flip motion to tell him to leave.

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now