37: Wei Ying begins to tell of his other life

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By the time XiChen returned with Master Lan, Lan Zhan had finished applying the ointment and a clean damp silk cloth to Wei Ying's back then had sat at the side of the bed and played healing music.

'What is this ... WangJi, you will leave the room now!'

'No.' he didn't even think of asking why he needed to leave.

'You do as I tell you.'


'What did you just say?' Master Lan was shocked that WangJi refused his command.

'I said no. You lost all rights to tell me what to do when you threatened Wei Ying's life and like a scared five year old, I gave in to you.' He stood up and sat on the side of the bed to check Wei Ying's wounds and dampen a new silk cloth. 'These wounds are my fault for not stopping you ... I will stay with him until they are healed.' But in his heart, he knew he would never leave Wei Ying again.

'I should have just preformed Empathy while he was asleep.'

Lan Zhan and his brother noticed how pale Wei Ying became, but if it was because it was Master Lan, and not Lan Zhan attending to his back, they didn't know.

Lan Zhan put his hand on Wei Ying's bare shoulder to calm him down a little. 'Wei Ying, take a breath. If it is your back, I'm really sorry, but if it is the thought of uncle preforming empathy, I made sure he didn't. I need to hear the words from you ... before any kind of Empathy can be preformed ... by me and me alone.'

'So ... Empathy will still be done?'

'Yes. With what we know so far, I may see something that you don't even realise your saw.'

'Lan Zhan ...' he said softly before he stepped from the bed and walked to the window, his back hurt but ... he didn't think he could look in those beautiful golden eyes yet. 'Are you sure you want to know what is coming before it gets here ... if I am unable to stop it?' he looked around outside to make sure no one was close.

'Yes.' They all said as one.

'Very well ... even though it is in the papers Lan XiChen is holding ... maybe saying it aloud will help.' he raised his hand and placed the total blocking on the room to the shock of all three of the men who watched him do it. 'This is something I was shown how to do more than ... sixty five years before I died ... here, in the Cloud Recesses where I spent my life. I changed it so that anyone out there will only see black misty masses, so they do not know who is inside and hear only sounds like wind moving leaves. Before I begin, I first ask that I am allowed to finish what I am going to tell you with no ... or as little interruptions as possible. I understand that you may ask some questions here and there.'

'You have my word.' Lan XiChen looked at the other two and both nodded their heads, Master Lan was still hesitant, but he agreed.

'Okay ... but it is a very long story and with a few painful parts to it ... including my first death.'


Wei Ying gave Lan Zhan a gentle smile and he nodded his head in return. 'I have died twice so far ... I arrived here the last time around and I did almost everything like I did this time, I had to ...' He took a breath. 'I remember living this life but not in every detail as I am sure that godling has removed certain memories from me ... so I have messed up a couple of times, it's been so long it's hard to remember certain things ... like the puppet and what I did. I ... Lan Zhan, where do I start ... from when I arrived back here ... or the morning I woke up in this young body wondering if I was just dreaming this life. Do I just tell of the dangers that is coming, the traitors who are already in your mids ... or do I tell it from the moment I arrived in the Cloud Recesses in my former life and everything from that moment on ... my death ... where do I start?'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now