44: Su She's true motives are revealed

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'My Lan Zhan.' Wei Ying grinned happily as he skipped over and threw himself into his lovers arms with a laugh. 'You will protect me won't you?' when Lan Zhan growled violently he took a breath. 'Relax; this idiot is really no danger to me in even the slightest way ... then again, I find it hard to think any one would be in danger with how poor his skills are.'

'Get your hands off him.' Su She attacked but was thrown back by Lan Zhan who placed Wei Ying behind him for protection.

Su She landed on the muddy ground a few meters away.

'Wow, Zhan, that was very kind of you ... you went easy on him.' Wei Ying grinned happily.

Wei Ying moved in front of Lan Zhan again and stepped into his arms with a smile.

Su She seethed furiously at the way Wei WuXian was hanging all over HanGuang-Jun. It made his blood boil. 'Do as I say, stand away from HanGuang-Jun right now!' he felt his face flush at the sight of them standing there in each others arms, bodies plastered together. How dare he!

'It's alright Zhan; I promise Su She is no danger to me, he is just too weak ... but thank you.' He placed a light kiss on his cheek and smiled as his ears tinged pink. 'I love that you protect me. However ....' He turned his head just enough to look at Su She who stood there looking rather flushed and this triggered his instincts about this man and his attacks on Lan Zhan and himself. 'I have one thing to say to you Su She. Lan Zhan is mine and I will never let you have him .... Even if he was stupid enough to want you. This Jade Beauty is mine for our whole lives.'

'You dare speak in such a manor about me ... no one would ever choose you ...' he bit his tongue when he realised what he was about to say.

'Just stop Su She before you embarrass yourself .... More than you already have; Lan Zhan will never look at you the way he looks at me.'

'Like I would ever want that ... disgusting.'

'I can see the truth of your heart shining from your eyes you know.'

'If you so much as think of trying to harm my Ying ever Lan Su She, I will not think twice about cutting you down.'

'I am just protecting the Sect from the likes of him.'

'My sect does not need protecting form Wei Ying.'

Su She wanted to scream that they all needed protection from him but he just stood there with one hand gripping the sword and the other squeezed so tight, his nails dug into his palms.

Lan Zhan looked at Wei Ying. 'But I have to ask .... Why is this person in such a disgraceful state? I thought all GusuLan Sect Members knew to always be in a respectable state.' he gave a gentle smile when Wei Ying giggled almost silently.

'Oh, just after he ... found me here in the restricted area, I would swear I saw a fierce corps so I placed us both behind that bush ... tsk ...' he clicked his tongue. 'How was I to know there was a deep muddy puddle and that Su She could not balance himself well enough to stay on his feet ... twice in the same puddle?' He let Lan Zhan see his amusement. 'I was just trying to do him a favour.'

'I understand, but Su She has never been one for even half decent balance without notice. So Su She thanked you for your protection afterwards ... right?'

'No.' he sulked sadly at his lover as his fingers played with Lan Zhan's robes. 'He just tried to skewer me with his little sword. I don't know, I try so hard to protect him and he just attacks me and then he went down a third time.' just for a bit of fun, he dropped his voice so only Lan Zhan would hear and whispered into his ear. 'Look at Su She and think ... worm in mud.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now