36: Lan Zhan will protect ... from all

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Even when he tried to remove his arm from XiChen's grasp, Lan QiRen found he was not able to. He just had to stand there and endure.

'Brother, tell me ... just like what?' XiChen was horrified by what he was hearing but needed to hear all of it.


'Like mother? Uncle would you care to explain that?'

'She died that is all you children need to know.'

'Uncle, be careful. I am still the leader and if I ask a question ...'

'And I am your elder.'

'You think you are superior to my brother the Sect Leader?' Lan Zhan asked in confusion. 'Wait, you said all of it was on the words of brother ...'

'Oh WangJi, I swear, I would never threaten Wei WuXian's life and I would never give such a punishment for not turning up to class. I really have no idea what would cause this kind of punishment.'

'Let us discuss this away from the outsider.'

'Wei Ying is no outsider.' Lan Zhan growled back.

Something suddenly occurred to Wei Ying, there may be a reason why Master Lan had changed to be this violent against him.

'Wei Ying, what's wrong?'

'I think this is the whole mirroring effect of both sides ... I do not mean he is for the other side because he could no more do that than he could turn from the pair of you ... but .... Lan Qiren ... may I ask if you have been talking to either Su She or Jin GuangYao and that is why you are so ....'

'I will not believe anything you say against that pair. They have seen you running off during the nights with a few jars of liquor. They have witnessed you in town tormenting others. They have seen all of you ill deeds.'

'Just so you know, I have not touched a drop since the first night ... continuity ... So this time they are after more than just Sect Leader Lan .... I see. I really should have thought of that long ago. Change one thing on one side and fate will change something on the other side.' He whispered the last part hoping none of the others would hear.

'Wei Ying would you be willing to explain everything to us?'

'I think I need to tell you the truth ... or all that I can tell you.' He looked at Lan XiChen. 'Is there someone who can go to my room and bring me the thick stack of papers I have written on my desk? They are wrapped in a white cloth.'

'I will get them.' Master Lan said as he moved to the door.

'No.' Wei Ying almost yelled in distress even as his arm reached out as if that alone could stop him.

'Uncle, I will get them ... and you will come with me.'

'...' Master Lan glared at Wei Ying then walked out the room with XiChen.

'Thank you.' Wei Ying said softly, then when the door closed he felt his hand taken.

'Wei Ying ... I'm sorry for the way I treated you.'

'It's okay ....'

'No it's not okay. You have been suffering and then on top of that I act like that and then uncle ... punished you because I talked to you.'

'I think it was something to do with what I said and that pair manipulating him, more than anything else.'

'You are too good.' He sighed. 'Removed your top and let me treat your wounds ... please.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now