49: They are not pets, they are family.

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Everyone turned their eyes quickly in the direction Cheng was looking only to find Lan Zhan carrying Wei Ying and Wei Ying was giggling happily.

'Oh come on.' Master Lan whispered as he turned away. 'Can he not just let the boy walk on his own?' he stopped complaining when Wen Ning and YanLi both gasped then sat there giggling even more. He turned and looked back.

One black and one white ball of fluff was hopping along the path, chasing after Lan Zhan and Wei Ying.

'He gave his gift again.' Wen Ning grinned happily.


'The last time, Wei Ying gave HanGuang-Jun two bunnies, one black and one white as a gift while he was training here and HanGuang-Jun kept them and raised them ... even after the sixteen years Wei Ying was dead ... he raised them and their off spring with love and gentleness. When Wei Ying returned, he tried to play with them but they always ran off to hide behind HanGuang-Jun .... Until he learnt to be gentle and quiet.'

'They can stay.'

'But the rule about no pets ...'

'It's alright Master Lan.' Wen Ning looked at the table before him so he could say the next part without bursting out laughing. 'Wei Ying and HanGuang-Jun never thought of them as pets ... only as family.' He bit his lip and flicked his glance at Lan XiChen who suddenly burst out laughing.

'They got around that one by adopting the bunnies ... so cute.'

Cheng gaped at the man beside him who suddenly looked beyond adorable to him .... then quickly looked away when he felt a blush rise. How dare a man look so adorable and cute and .... Oh crap .... Damn you Wei Ying making me think like, if I had never see the pair of you together, I never would have allowed my mind to think and my heart to .... haaaa. He sighed deeply.

'HanGuang-Jun had adopted a boy by the name of A-Yuan, a boy he found at the Burial Mounds who had been raised by Wei WuXian for the months they lived there. He called him Lan SiZhui and ... well, he has been born now but this time his parents are still alive.' He looked to the two Lan's who watched him. 'There at the Burial Mounds is where ... HanGuang-Jun raced there after Wei WuXian died ... he refused to allow any of the sects, including Lan's to destroy the area ... he fought you all off and many were injured ... thirty three to be exact ... because of this, HanGuang-Jun was whipped thirty three times ... the moment he could stand, that is when he went to the Burial Mounds and found the little boy hidden in a tree trunk. He brought him back and refuses any word against him raising the boy as his own ... it was the closest he could be to Wei WuXian.'

'So in one life, WangJi is punished and in the next Wei WuXian.'

'Master Lan, Wei WuXian and I have spoken once of a fear he held and it was not about not being able to save those he needed to save. He had begun to worry about the balance of both sides. He kept gathering people to our side and he worried what that would do to the other side. If I am not wrong, one or both of the two people within the Cloud Recesses boundaries have been manipulating you ... last time only Sect Leader Lan was Jin GuangYao target, but it would not surprise me if that also changed.'

'Wen Ning, would you let us do a group empathy on those times you had with Wei WuXian in your last life?'

'... yes.' He reached out and when everyone was holding hands, the empathy began.

When the empathy ended, there was just one question on YanLi's mind. 'Master Lan, I have to ask.' YanLi stalled before finishing. 'What are you going to do about them and ... kids?'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now