32: The meeting of worms

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Above, worm number 1

Below, worm number 2

A short time before dinner, Su She walked carefully towards his meeting place

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A short time before dinner, Su She walked carefully towards his meeting place. This was just another meeting with his friend so they could set something else in motion for tomorrow. He chuckled when he remembered standing, carefully hidden, and watched as Wei WuXian was getting punished. The blood that landed on the floor between Wei WuXian and HanGuang-Jun made him grin. The joy he felt watching that was something he wanted to experience again. That kid had crossed their paths when they were younger and both he and his friend had hated him on sight. Something about Wei WuXian set them both on edge and they wanted him gone. There is nothing he would not do to help his friend, Jin GuangYao, who had been so ridiculed just because of where he came from on his mothers' side. No one paid attention to the fact his father was a sect leader and one of power. He knew how it felt to be ridiculed because no matter how good he got, everyone would just tell him he was trying to copy HanGuang-Jun. Su She hated it here in the GusuLan Sect. They all pretended to be so moral and gentlemanly but in truth they were just pathetic. He knew if he was allowed, he could be far better than HanGuang-Jun. If he was only allowed to get closer to the man to prove that HanGuang-Jun was only thought to be so good because he was the sect leaders brother.

So often he had heard the words the others said about Jin GuangYao, even to his face. Yet Jin GuangYao never said anything back. Never retaliated, never asked for help. However, Su She had managed to talked him into lying to Master Lan and making sure that Lan XiChen saw his wounded smile as if trying to hide his pain. The old man believed their tales without asking for in depth details. He knew Master Lan hated Wei WuXian because of his mother as he had over heard him and Sect Leader Lan talking about it. He talked Jin GuangYao into saying he had seen Wei WuXian with liquor even though he appeared to only stay in his room and didn't talk to anyone. What was Wei WuXian playing at anyway? Everyone who had ever heard of that boy knew he was just a trouble maker so should have been an easy mark to get rid of ... but he never came out of his room?

'Lan Su She.'

'Jin GuangYao, sorry I am late. I was made to do some pathetic kitchen duty. Something that people like Wei WuXian should be made to do for punishment.' Su She looked around to make sure no one was anywhere near them.

'I agree but this sect will not make guest students do that kind of work.'

'I know ... but let's decide on our next step. I would love to spread that he has been leaving the Cloud Recesses at night but ... I don't think even Master Lan will believe that idiot can go through the gate without them knowing.'

'That is true, and if we keep using the liquor tale, even Master Lan will figure it out.'

'Yes, even as dim as the old goat is, he would soon start to think twice if we send him running to catch him but he is never there. I have thought of one thing that will make old man Lan want to kill the little bastard.'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now