3: The first day

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By the time they arrived, the others were already sitting at their tables waiting for them.

'I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.' Wei Ying bowed then sat at his table as the food was delivered. When all the food was placed, Wei Ying finally bowed his head, said a small prayer then lifted the chopsticks and proceeded to eat. However, it took special attention for him not to raise his hand ready to hold his long sleeve so it would not get dirty ... years of this motion made it second nature.

As they all ate breakfast, and everyone noted that Wei Ying only ate the plain dishes, then waited silently for Jiang Cheng so they could go off to their training. That is, he waited silently until he actually began to urge Jiang Cheng to finish eating or they would be late for training.

Madame Yu looked to her husband with a shocked look ... only to glare at Wei WuXian as she wondered what he was up to.

While training, Wei Ying preformed everything he had been told to do without complaint or trying to double guess the trainers. Even after lunch break when Madame Yu stepped in and told Wei WuXian to stand in front of the whole class for the rest of the day then gave them the hardest work out she could think of, he again did everything he was told.

In the end Madame Yu stood there glaring deeply at him before she stormed off after the hours of rigorous training with an angry mumbling under her breath.

The truth was Wei Ying had missed the woman so much that her glare was more than welcome.

As Wei Ying had been in the front of all the students he didn't understand why Madame Yu stormed off, so turned to ask the others .... Only to find them all on the ground huffing and puffing, sweat pouring off each of them.

Did I bring my stamina back with me? Good, because if this is really real .... I will need all the advantages I can get to save them all.

Wei Ying hurried over to Jiang Cheng who was struggling to his feet before falling back down. 'Tell me some signs you would look for if you wanted to confirm you were dreaming but thinking you were awake, or awake thinking you were dreaming?'

'Signs .... What are .... You talking ..... about.' Jiang Cheng panted as he looked at Wei Ying in shock and wonder. He barely had any sweat on him. 'How .... Dare you .... Still be ..... standing after that.'

'If you were dreaming, and you wondered if you were awake ... what would be the things you would look for to confirm you are in fact inside a dream? Or in fact, vice versa.' Wei Ying decided to ignore the question.

'That's easy Wei Ying if I'm dreaming,' One of the other juniors said as he lifted himself into a sitting position. 'I find that people appear and disappear in front of me.'

'I find where I am changes in the blink of an eye, like I lost time.'

'I find that only what I'm looking at is perfectly clear and the rest is fuzzy.'

'People say the stupidest things.'

'The dead are no longer dead.'

'Girls are easier to talk to and win over.'

'I am suddenly the most powerful cultivator.'

'I like those dreams.' Another junior laughed as he nodded to his friend.

'Dreams suddenly change location and people appear out of no where.'

'Faceless men in black trying to kill me.'

Everyone looked at the person still on the ground; he refused to even move his arms.

'What do you mean men in black ... do you think I will try to kill you?'

Wei Ying chooses to relive! COMPLETE (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now