How He Treats You When You're Pregnant

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How He Treats You When You're Pregnant (Requested By Brightesthopes)


"Hey sweetie," Ashton returned home, throwing his keys somewhere on the kitchen counter and taking a careful seat beside you on the sofa. "How are my two favourite beings in the world?" He draped his arm over your lap and kissed your cheek. "Tired. I feel terrible. My back is killing me," you mumbled. He frowned. "Don't make me feel guilty for doing this to you," he chuckled and you turned to face him. "It'll be worth it," you smiled. "I can't believe we're going to be a family," he reciprocated your smile tenfold. You lay your head on his shoulder. "Wait, can I turn the television down?" He asked and your brows furrowed, "sure thing." He reached over to the coffee table and the screen went black. "Lie down?" He asked and you complied. He lay down beside you and crawled into a ball so his eyes were on level with your stomach. "Do you think she'd like disconnected?" He asked and you smiled, "probably." He started singing, "tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps, here in the moment on the dark side of the screen. I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make, we put the world away, we get so- oh my god. Did you feel that?" He asked. "You felt it?" Your eyes were wide. He nodded. You placed your hand over your stomach, "keep singing!" You ordered. "You are my getaway, you are my favourite place, we put the world aw- she kicked again!" Ashton crawled up so he was level with your eyes now. "She likes your singing," you told him and nothing could stop the smile on his face.


Calum's arm rarely left your waist since he found out you were pregnant. Any thing that could in any way cause harm were dealt with immediately. "Wait, should I move the table? You could hurt yourself on the corner.." He asked. "It's fine, Calum," you smirked. "You sure? What about the rug? You could slip!" You'd moved out of your tiny apartment and into a larger house to compensate the new addition to the family. "I'm not going to slip," you assured him. You stood up off the sofa. "Where are you going?" He asked, running to your side. "To get a drink," you huffed. "I'll get it," "no," "then I'll come with you!" You couldn't help but chuckle at the extent of his protectiveness. "What ever makes you happy, Cal," you smiled. He frowned. "I just don't want you to get hurt," he pouted. "You're carrying our baby," he smiled. You shook your head, "I can't believe it." He leaned on the kitchen bench as you reached up to find a cup. As you leaned forward on your tiptoes, your left foot slipped on the tiles, sending you forward towards the counter. Calum was at your side in a millisecond, holding you tightly. "I told you," he mumbled. "If I wasn't here you would have-" "I know, Calum," you replied in defeat. "So now you know I'm never, ever leaving your side," "I know, Calum."


"Do you need something to eat? Or drink? Do you want me to go out and get anything? Don't people crave weird things when they're pregnant? Like pickles and peanut butter or something?" Luke rambled. You laughed, "no thanks, maybe some water?" You smiled. "Of course. Cold? Do you want ice? Lots of ice or like one cube?" He asked walking to the kitchen. You burst out laughing. "Just water, Luke," you continued laughing. He poked his head from around the corner and pouted. His cheeks were flushing a bright red. "Why are you laughing at me?" He mumbled, returning to the kitchen and filling a cup with water. "Because you're absolutely adorable," you told him and he returned with a cheeky smile on his face. "I want to make you feel as comfortable as possible since you are literally growing life, inside you! There's a human growing inside you!" He sat down beside you and offered you the glass. You took a sip. "Yeah, pretty crazy. Is it just me or is it cold in here?" You turned to see if the window was open. "Cold?!" Luke shouted, jumping from the sofa and checking every window in the house. "They're all closed! Are you feeling okay?" He ran to you and placed a hand on your forehead. "I feel fine, Luke," you smiled up at him. "Okay, one sec." You sighed and lay down on the sofa as he disappeared upstairs. He returned moments after and you watched as he descended the stairs clumsily with three blankets wrapped around him. He tripped on the third last step and landed in a pile of blankets. "Almost there," you heard him groan as he untangled himself and approached you with a limp. He laid the blankets carefully over you and sat at your feet. "You can lie down too, you know?" You smirked. He shook his head. "Just in case you need something," he mumbled. "Luke, I need cuddles," you told him. He turned to you with a smile, "on it." He crawled underneath the blankets and wrapped his arm loosely over your waist. His chin rested on the top of your head, and he was snoring lightly in mere minutes. His arms tightened around you in his sleep, and you couldn't help but marvel at the fact you were in the arms of the sweetest human being on earth.


Michael was singing constantly, and he couldn't keep his hands off you for longer than a minute whilst decorating your baby's new room. "I'll be right back," you told him, planning to retrieve some baby toys you'd bought today from yours and Michael's room. He ran to your side and kissed the top of your head before you left. Upon entering the room, you couldn't help but catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The little life growing inside you was taking a toll on your body. Your feet and ankles were swelling terribly, and you had researched that you were gaining more weight than what considered average. You looked tired overall, and sighed quietly before turning to reach for the shopping bags. Michael's voice startled you. "I hope you were just admiring how beautiful you look," he mumbled. You turned to face him. "Beautiful?" You asked. "You've never looked more gorgeous," he said seriously as he walked up towards you. "I honestly don't understand how you could think otherwise. You're practically a goddess," he whispered in your ear. He kneeled down and lifted your shirt, peppering your tummy with kisses. You smiled, "that tickles!" You stepped away. "That's what I like to see. It should be impossible but you're a million times more beautiful when you smile." You were embarrassed that he could still make you blush so easily. "Sweetie," he turned to you stomach. "I can't wait for you to meet us. So you can see what a stunning lady your mummy is. You're going to be just as wonderful." He stood back up. "I love you," you smiled. "I love my girls," he replied.

A/N: hey guys, message me more of your lovely requests! I am not accepting personal imagines.

Also, ask me questions, I'll answer them in my next update's Question Time x

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