Another Member Flirts With You

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Another Member Flirts With You

(A/N: the last two are a whole lot more dramatic than what I intended omg)


Ashton, your childhood best friend had recently made contact with you again. You two were as close as could be when you were younger, but once you went to different schools the relationship was lost. "Y/N! So glad you made it!" Ashton ran up to you with open arms backstage. "God, we're old now." You laughed. "Can't wait to catch up with you after the concert, there's so much I wanna tell you! And of course, wanna hear." He blushed. "I wouldn't even know where to st-" "Ashton, could you come here for a sec, it's urgent." Someone behind you shouted. Ashton pouted. "I'll be back as soon as I can Y/N." He gave you another quick hug, "You don't know how happy I am to see you," and ran off. You stood there awkwardly for ten seconds before you went to sit down. "Well hello there, what's your name beautiful?" You looked up to see none other than Michael Clifford staring into your eyes. "Y/N." You smiled. "Well, Y/N, I'm not a photographer, but I can picture you and me together." He blushed waiting for your response. "Oh my god." You covered your eyes with your hand and laughed. "What?" He laughed nervously. "Nothing." You shook your head. "So did it work?" "No." You smirked and he pouted. "Aw, well how about this-" Ashton jumped in between the two of you. "Hi! What're you guys talking about?" He asked eyeing Michael up and down. "He was entertaining me with his amazing pick up lines." You teased. Ashton immediately wrapped an arm around your waist. You noticed him staring at Michael with his eyebrows raised. You noticed a moment of sudden realisation in Michael's eyes."Oh, Y/N! As in THE Y/N! As in the Y/N that a certain Ashton hasn't shut up about for ages?" Michael bit his tongue to keep from laughing. "He's been stalking your Twitter, Facebook and Instagram just so you know." Michael 'whispered' to you. "Leave now or I'll make you." Ashton threatened. Michael raised his hands. "Fine, bye beautiful." He winked at you. Once he'd gone, Ashton sighed. "Stay away from him. And don't listen to him, he's a liar." You pouted. "So you weren't talking about me." You folded your arms. He blushed. "Uhm.. I was but.. You know, just because I was excited and-" "What about the stalking?" You smiled. "I'm gonna kill him."


You and Calum had been keeping your relationship a secret from everyone. Even the guys. At first it was because you weren't really sure if the relationship was serious or not, but from then it became a sort of game. Today was the day Calum was going to introduce you to the band and the fans. You were beyond nervous. Calum had told you to hide inside the tour bus when he and the guys went inside. When he was to say 'I have something to show you', you were to jump out from behind the kitchen and surprise them. So as Calum had told you, you were at the bus. Unfortunately, it was locked. So Calum was now frantically running to make it to the bus before anyone else to let you inside. You stood there tapping your right foot nervously on the ground. Your nervousness washed away when you heard someone jogging around the corner. "Thank god you're here!" You smiled, walking up to the corner. You froze when not Calum, but Luke appeared from around the corner. He smirked. "Hallelujah." He licked his lips. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else." You walked back a few steps. "But I'll do, right?" He smiled sweetly. "Uhm, no. I mean, Luke-" "You know me?" His eyes lit up. "Yes but-" you heard another pair of footsteps coming around the corner. Calum's face appeared. "Aww damn." He pouted. "I should've hid." You facepalmed. "It's okay, maybe we can still do it with Luke in on the act." He suggested. "Wait what." Luke looked frantically between you two. "What the hell?!" He laughed nervously. "Luke, meet Y/N, my girlfriend." Calum said. Luke's jaw dropped. "Oh!" He turned to you with a face that said 'please, please, please don't tell him?' You nodded. "So, the plan?" Luke chuckled nervously.


Having a bestfriend in a band might be the coolest thing ever. You'd recently become closer to Luke's band mates which was also cool. Strangely, you'd noticed that whenever Calum tried to talk to you Luke would interrupt or take you away. Today you were joining the guys in a recording studio and it was beyond awesome. Luke was currently recording so you were talking to the rest of the band. "I'm afraid you guys are gonna leave me when you become the biggest band in the world." You laughed. "I don't know about everyone else but I'd never leave you." Calum said beside you. Ashton bit his tongue to keep from laughing. "Uhm.." You sank into the seat nervously. "Thanks?" You looked at Calum with a smile. "You have a beautiful smile." Calum complimented. Ashton burst out laughing. "You're terrible mate." He teased. "Shut up I'm trying my best!" Calum defended. As soon as Calum put his arm around you Luke walked out of the booth. "What's happening, guys?" He asked. "Calum's flirting with your girl." Michael teased. "I'm not his girl!" You laughed. Luke bit his lip. "Right. Whatever." He shook his head and walked out of the room. All of your jaws dropped. "Damn." Ashton said. "I better go." You stood up and ran after Luke. You caught him jogging down the hallway. "Luke!" You called him. He didn't even look back, "not now Y/N." You were shocked, he'd never acted like this before. "Luke, you gotta talk to me." You ran as fast you could and pushed him against the wall. "What's up?" You asked, you noticed his bottom lip was quivering. He avoided your eyes. "Luke, you're my best friend so-" "Thats it!" He cut you off. "I like you Y/N. And everyone seems to be oblivious because now Calum's decided he likes you too and it kills me watching him flirt with you all the time-" "Luke." He stopped immediately and seemed as if he regretted what he said. "I like you too." You said. "R-really?" He smiled. "Awww." You heard Michael and Ashton from around the corner. "Damn it!" Calum shouted.


You've been friends with the guys for a while and had just recently gotten together with the guy you've been crushing on since you met, Michael. A soon as the relationship was official Ashton had obviously been trying to get closer to you. He'd constantly compliment and wink at you and you took it as just harmless Ashton. Michael had noticed as well and always tried to keep you away from him, even though you assured him that it was nothing. Things were going fine backstage before you were left alone and Ashton came up to you with a cheeky smile. "Hey there, sexy." He giggled. You laughed awkwardly, he's never gone as far as calling you that before... "Michael's not here to drag you away now is he?" He went to grab your hand but you pulled away. "Ashton, stop." You stepped back. His smile immediately dropped. "I thought you liked my flirting?" He questioned. "No Ash, I don't." You folded your arms. "But you never stopped me before?" His voice became a lot quieter. "I thought you were just playing but now I don't know what you're doing." You couldn't look at his sad eyes. "I thought you liked me?" His voice cracked. "No, Ashton." You said a little harsher than you intended. Just then Michael entered the room. "Ok Ashton, seriously? Could you maybe spend a day not flirting with my girlfriend?" He walked in between the two of you and stared at Ashton angrily. "I'm sorry-" he started. "You should be, she's my girlfriend, ok? Go find someone who actually likes you back." You peered from behind Michael to see that Ashton was trying his hardest not to cry. "Michael stop." You placed a hand on his shoulder. "No, I'm sick of him flirting with you all the time." He turned to face you. You watched as Ashton walked to another room and slam the door. You buried your face in Michael's chest. "What have I done?" You whispered. "You haven't done anything."

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