He/You Can't Sleep

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He/You Can't Sleep


You had a maths exam tomorrow and had been studying all day. It was now 11pm and your face was still buried in the books, even though you couldn't even keep your eyes open. "BABE!" Ashton shouted at you. "Hmm?" You stared at him through squinting eyes. "Get to sleep." He ordered. "No, I still can't even do these ones easi-" he picked you up and you had no strength to fight back. He placed you down on your bed and he crawled under the covers, pulling them over the both of you. He turned the lamp off and sighed. "Relax. Sleep." He mumbled. You tried your hardest to sleep but your brain would not stop shouting formulae. You went to get up. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked sleepily. "I have to pass, Ashton." He pulled you back down. "You won't if you fall asleep half way through it. You've studied so hard that no matter what happens you can say you did your best. And you can't do any better than your best. We'll be proud no matter what." His nose nudged your neck and his hand rested on your arm. "Sleep?" He pleaded. You turned around to face him. "I'll try." You smiled. His arm wrapped around your waist and rubbed circles on your back before you drifted to sleep. "You'll be amazing."


You woke up and searched through the sheets for your boyfriend Calum, only to find out you were in bed alone. You waited, thinking he'd gone to the toilet or gotten a drink, but 10 minutes later he still hadn't returned. The clock read 3:28am and you groaned stumbling out of bed. "Calum, are you okay?" You called into the darkness. You walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the couch bundled in blankets. "What's wrong?" You asked, walking over and sitting on the couch beside him. You looked into his eyes and saw he had been crying. "I can't go back to sleep." He mumbled. "Why not?" You wiped a tear away. "I had.. A nightmare. But it felt so real. I thought it was real." He hid his face in the blankets. "You wanna tell me what happened?" You asked, cuddling up next to him. He shook his head. "Tell, so we can talk about how silly it is." You laughed. He looked up at you sadly. "You died." He whispered. The sadness in his voice almost had you in tears. "It's not gonna happen, okay? And you're not going to dream of it again." You rubbed his arm. You pulled the blankets over yourself and you both snuggled on the couch. You waited until he fell asleep before you allowed yourself to drift off as well.


It was 2am and you were buzzing with energy. Luke told you that you shouldn't have had that sugar. You were singing at the top of your lungs as Luke hid his face and covered his ears on your bed. "GET UP LUKE." You shouted. He got up with a glare. "If I even thought about disturbing you when you're asleep, I'd get kneed in the balls." He stated. You laughed. "C'mon, just stay up a little longer! I'm bored." You whined. He squinted at you.
"I don't like you."
"You love me."
"Shut up."
You poked your tongue out at him and he launched himself off the bed and started tickling you. "Luke no!" You shouted, trying to wriggle out of his grip. He threw you on the bed and tickled you more. "I'm crying, I'm actually crying ok?" You pleaded with him to stop. "The only way to get you to sleep is to get you tired!" He shouted over your laughs. After a minute or so of more tickling you had no energy left to fight back. "I give up. I'll go to sleep." You said breathless. He smirked. "Good." Then he flopped back down face first onto his pillow. After 5 minutes of you staring wide eyed at the ceiling, you turned back to Luke. "I'm still not tired."


It was the last night you two had together before he had to go back on tour. You spent the entire day together and it was now 1:30am. You forced him to sleep because he had to wake up early the next day. You were now both in bed and he was restless. Moments later he began poking your sides. You ignored it and pretended to be sleep. Another poke. You didn't want to ignore him, but it was best for him to get to sleep as soon as possible. Poke. He whined quietly. "I know you're awake. You breathe differently when you're asleep." He whispered. "Where's the off switch?" You asked as you began slapping his face. "Stop!" He laughed, grabbing ahold of your hand. "I want to spend the remaining hours I have with you awake. Talking. And kissing." He whispered, snuggling closer to you. "You have to sleep." You mumbled. "I can't sleep. My mind is consumed with thoughts of me missing you." His voice broke. This brought tears to your eyes. "Fine." You took his hand and dragged him out of the house. "We'll go to the park." You said. "You're the best." He smiled. So you both talked and kissed until the sun began to rise.

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