Jealousy - Imagine For Puneet

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Calum Imagine For VogueCalum

"How do you feel about Luke dating your best friend?"

"Wait what? Puneet?"

Calum and yourself had been best friends for a while now. When he invited you on a leg of his band's tour you were ecstatic to join them and see all the backstage and behind the scenes stuff hidden from the rest of the world.

Little did you know that Luke would eventually grow a liking for you, and tried to spend every spare minute in your presence.

It was completely platonic. Well, that's what Calum thought...

"They're not.. Dating?" Calum said unsurely. The fan pulled out her phone and he saw a picture of you and Luke having coffee together.

A pang of jealousy hit him hard, and he tried his best not to show it.

Luke had asked you out not three hours before, and the pictures were already all over Twitter. You didn't think too much of Luke's friendliness and thought getting to know him better would be a good idea considering you'd be with these guys on tour for a while.

"Oh.. Well uhm, I guess I'm okay, why?" Calum tried to sound unfazed, bouncing lightly on his feet. A few other girls around him laughed, "because we think you like her," one said and he couldn't stop the terrible blush burning bright red on his face. "See!" Another pointed out and he bit his lip, "I gotta go," he mumbled, taking some final photos with the crowd and making his way back to the hotel.

After sitting on the sofa and scrolling through various pictures fans took of you and Luke on Twitter, the door opened and you both entered chatting and laughing. He turned his phone off instantly and turned to face you both. "Had fun?" He asked, trying to sound casual but unintentionally coming across as rude. "Yeah," you smiled and sat down beside him as Luke walked into the bedroom. "You okay?" You asked, sensing something was definitely wrong. He sighed, "nothing," turning on the television. "I know when something's wrong, Cal," you snatched the remote from him and turned the television off.

He whined, trying to snatch the remote back. "Just tell me, or I won't let it go," you said and he looked down into his lap. "Just you and Luke," he mumbled and you placed the remote on the coffee table. "What about us?" You asked and he started to fiddle with his fingers. "He's just been spending heaps of time with you and it's like you want to be with him more than me," he explained, not looking up at you once. "Calum, you're the best to hang out with," you said and he smiled slightly. "I thought you'd think it'd be cool for me to befriend your friends," you told him and he looked up. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Some fans showed me pictures of you two, they thought you were dating," he said quietly. Your jaw dropped, "really?" He nodded. "You wouldn't want me dating him, would you?" You asked and his heart thumped, thinking you caught on about his feelings. When he didn't respond, you continued. "Because it'd be weird, right?" You laughed nervously. He shook his head, "no..not because it'd be weird. Because I'd be jealous," he admitted.

"Jealous?" You asked and he groaned. "Yes, jealous, don't you see that I like you?" He said suddenly, and immediately regretted it. "Sorry," he said quickly, "forget i-" but you wouldn't, and you kissed him. Your lips were sweet and soft against his, and his eyes fluttered shut at the feeling.

You pulled away when you heard a noise behind the sofa. Both yours and Calum's heads snapped to see what it was. What you saw was Luke standing awkwardly at the doorframe with his chip packet on the ground. "Unexpected," he said quietly. "But adorable."

A/N: 700K *happy dance* As many know, the requests have just boomed. And I have yearly exams yay. It will be a while for future requests to arrive, hope you understand. Also, I've gotten heaps of requests for imagines, keep them preferences going!

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