Insecurities - Imagine For Bridie

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Calum Imagine For damnlashton

You and the guys were getting ready for a day out at the beach. A day before, you managed to muster up enough courage to go out and buy yourself a new bikini to wear.

Calum had never seen you in one before and you were both nervous and excited for his reaction. "All ready, Bridie?" You heard Calum call from your living room where the rest of the guys were waiting. You walked out with your beach bag and smiled. "Awesome! Wait," Calum looked at your shoulders. "You bought a different one piece?" He asked, seeing the red straps underneath your brown hair on your shoulders. You blushed and looked nervously at the other guys in the room. "Uhm," you started nervously and Calum raised his eyebrows. "I got a bikini," you mumbled and Michael whistled. Calum's eyes widened and turned to glare at Michael. Ashton giggled and Luke just blushed in the corner from the awkwardness of the situation. Calum turned to you and sighed, "Bri, put on your old one." You were crushed. "No.." Michael said sadly. You tried not to look hurt. "How come?" You asked and crossed your arms. "I just don't want you wearing that, okay? Put on your old one," he ordered and you huffed, turning swiftly on your heels and strutting back to your room.

You took off your shirt and shorts and bent down to the bottom drawer to pull out your one piece. When you turned to your mirror you froze, and came to your own understanding as of why Calum didn't want you wearing a bikini. The courage and confidence you built up from the moment you looked at yourself in the bikini in the dressing room vanished in an instant. You silently thanked Calum for making you change and helping you realise you weren't good enough for a bikini. You nodded and convinced yourself it was for the best as you began putting on the one piece, but you couldn't stop the tears pooling in your eyes. You stared at yourself again in the new costume, but still felt insecure. You sat down in front of your door and crawled up into a ball, silently wishing that they'd just leave and go to the beach without you.

After a while of you just sitting there you heard Ashton asking what was taking so long. Your heart pounded and you pressed your ear against the door to listen. "Maybe she can't find it," Michael suggested. "No, she always keeps it in the same place," Calum replied. There was a moment of silence before you heard Luke sigh. "Are you guys really that oblivious? You just embarrassed the hell out of her, Cal," Luke said quietly. "What?" He asked quickly. "Not only did you just tell her off for trying to be confident in front of all of us, but she probably feels like you made her change because you'd be embarrassed to be seen with her," Luke said matter-of-factly. "Are you a psychiatrist?" Ashton asked. "No, but I can't believe I can read your girlfriend better than you," he said, talking to Calum. "Are you sure?" He asked, still uncertain. "Ask her," he challenged. You heard Calum stand up and walk towards your room.

You stood up from the floor quickly and sat on your bed. He knocked lightly, "babe?" He called. "Come in," you mumbled and he did, instantly sitting by your side. "Are you okay?" He asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You sighed, "ask Luke," you whispered. His brows furrowed before he looked down. "You heard him? Is what he said true?" He asked, looking back up with guilt evident in his eyes. You nodded. "The reason I made you change is because I want you all to myself," he explained. "The way Michael reacted just got me really jealous and I didn't want him to see you. Or anyone else," he blushed. You nodded. "Which is selfish, I know. I should've encouraged your confidence, not put you down. You have a rocking body," he said and you giggled. "Really?" You asked, now smiling. He nodded and licked his lips. "I can't believe my jealousy overpowered my desire to see you in it. I'm crazy," he shook his head. "It's okay, we're cool. Let's go," you took his hand. His face dropped, "you're not putting it back on?" He asked. You smirked, "you want me to?" He nodded and bit his lip. You pushed him out and he jogged back to the guys.

"Well?" You could hear the smirk in Luke's voice. "You're right, Mr. Perfect. She's changing back," he told them. You listened carefully and heard Michael cheer, followed by a slapping sound and an 'ow'.

A/N: love to relaapse !

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