He's In Love With You

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He's In Love With You


"Ashton!" You ran through the airport towards your best friend's arms. You'd just returned from a three week 'girl' holiday with friends. When you were hugging your parents Ashton had to restrain himself from pushing them aside and just completely engulfing you. He stood bouncing nervously on his feet waiting for you to notice him. When he caught your eye you shouted his name and he held out his arms. "I'm back!" You giggled as he wrapped his arms around you and buried his face in your hair. "It felt like forever." He mumbled. You stepped back and stared at him, noticing there were tears brimming his eyes. "Are you crying?" You asked in disbelief. He blushed and looked down, "well I missed you. A lot," he admitted. "I missed you too," you told him. But he knew you didn't miss him nearly as much as he missed you. When you left for that short amount of time he craved you, which was what told him that he was completely, utterly and hopelessly in love with you.


Calum was at your house today, taking advantage of the fact you had a pool. "You coming?" He called from the water, you said you'd be ready in a minute but it had been about ten. You hesitated before you walked out in a bikini. "I forgot to wash my one-piece!" You ran quickly into the water so he couldn't see you. He watched in awe as you resurfaced and flung your hair back. "Hey." You said nervously when he didn't say a word. He couldn't do anything but bite his lip and stare at you to stop himself from saying something stupid. To break the tension you splashed him and ducked underwater before he could react. He laughed and dived under to find you. He was completely mesmerised by how you moved under the water, but tried his best to seem unfazed. His heart was beating uncontrollably as he swum to you and picked you up. You laughed and kicked to escape his grip. Little did you know that this simple contact had Calum completely breathless. There was no escaping this, he was just hopelessly in love.


"Y/N?" Luke whispered whilst straining his eyes to see you in the dim light. He chuckled quietly at the light snore that replied. You two were bundled up in a mess of blankets and cushions with mugs of hot chocolate and marshmallows. The cliche-ness of it suddenly brought butterflies to Luke's stomach. And as he always did, he stared at your chest rise and fall and felt your heart beat rhythmically. It was nights like this where he couldn't be more content. It was times like this, with your arm draped loosely across his stomach and your head laying on his chest, where he couldn't help but be completely mesmerised by you. Those long, delicate, black lashes curling slightly at the ends. Behind them those piercing eyes that always managed to leave him totally speechless. He smiled at those plump, pink lips that parted ever so slightly every time your chest fell. He slowly began to remove the numerous blankets and cushions that trapped you and your eyelids fluttered before staring up sleepily at Luke. "Luke." You muttered lazily in your half-sleeping state. "Yes?" he asked, waiting for the usual nonsense but adorable drabble you come up with upon waking. "I love you." You whispered, wrapping your arms around his neck. His heart fluttered. And how could he not be in love with you too?


You promised Michael you'd be at his concert tonight. He'd gotten you a place front row on the left side so you'd be near him. They were now playing their second song and you were nowhere to be seen, causing Michael to be devastated and everyone being able to tell. Luke kept trying to comfort him saying you were probably just late, and when he saw you running from the back of the venue, Luke pointed. Michael and everyone in the venue's heads turned to see what he was pointing at. When Michael's eyes lit up everyone knew the reason he was so upset. You took your seat and his usual energetic stage presence was back. He kept his eyes on you the entire concert and couldn't be any more happy that you made it. You rocked out and kept your eyes on him the entire time as well. "I just wanna thank Y/N for making it tonight, thank you so much." He turned and smiled to you and every person 'aww'd. When you blew him a kiss his heart stopped, and he couldn't even try to deny that he was crazy in love with you.

A/N: this was just an excuse to right cute stuff aah if you liked it vote and comment away my darlings! Ps: unless there's a request I can't update for the next week, be back soon lovelies! x

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