You Surprise Him With A Puppy

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You Surprise Him With A Puppy (Requested By LokisArmy12)

A/N: I chose dog breeds I think represented each guy, tell me if you agree!


"Okay, so I have a surprise present for you," you smiled. "Oh?" Ashton smirked. You rolled your eyes, "shut up, stay here," you ordered. "Yes ma'am," he teased. You ran outside where you had your best friend waiting for almost an hour now looking after a tiny Labradoodle you'd bought for Ashton's birthday. "You owe me, because your little mutt has pissed on me twice," she grumbled. "Sorry! Do you think he'll like her?" You asked, second guessing your impulse buy. "He'll love her," she assured. You told Ashton to close his eyes as you entered the house again. You placed the puppy on his lap and his eyes flew open immediately. He gasped and picked her up, staring at her in shock. "Y/N, you didn't!" He exclaimed, but his wide eyes were focused on the puppy's. "I most definitely did," you said proudly. He held the puppy close to his chest and swung from side to side. "This is the best present anyone could've ever gotten me," he gushed, standing up and whilst holding the puppy in one arm, embraced you with the other.


You snuck into Calum's apartment early in the morning with your spare key to surprise him with the puppy you'd bought the previous day. Hoping he hadn't woken up yet, you tiptoed into the living room with the tiny Pug. You placed it in the box you'd prepared earlier with holes and a small bow on top. "Calum!" You yelled. "What?" He almost stumbled out of bed to get to you. You held the box carefully as he reached the living room. "Y/N?" His worried expression fell and was replaced with a wary smile. "What's this?" He approached you slowly. "Lift the lid," you said simply. He bit his lip as he reached forward to carefully lift the lid and see what was inside. He almost squealed when two big eyes stared back at him. "Babe, you bought us a puppy?" He lifted the tiny, brown animal out of the box in absolute awe. "Yes," you replied, watching him make kissy faces at the Pug. "It's like our baby!" He exclaimed suddenly, and you burst out laughing.


"What on earth did you get me?" Luke asked, seeming to get a little impatient. "Shh," you dismissed him, wrapping one of your scarves over his eyes as a blindfold. He couldn't help but giggle at how serious you were about this surprise. "Stay here," you ordered as you snuck to your room to retrieve the tiny Shiba Inu you'd been looking after for the weekend before Luke had a chance to visit. You returned to the living room with the fluffy puppy in your arms. "Pucker up," you laughed, making Luke smile before he puffed his cheeks and pursed his lips. You held the puppy just in front of Luke's face, and it decided to lick his nose. Luke's face scrunched up. "What was that." He took his blindfold off and his look of confusion was replaced with one of utter joy and disbelief. He looked from you to the puppy several times before shaking his head. "I'm speechless," he managed to say. "Is he ours?" His eyes were wide and his dimples were showing. You nodded and Luke took him from your arms. "I am so happy," he laughed. "I'm actually shaking, thank you so much." He held the puppy as if it were a baby and kissed you lightly on the lips.


It was midday and Michael had fallen asleep on your sofa. You decided that this would be the perfect time to introduce him to the little, white Pomeranian you'd bought for the both of you. You tiptoed to your room and picked up the puppy, able to hold her with only one hand. You returned to the living room and had to contain your laughter before placing the puppy carefully on Michael's stomach. You watched as she sat confused for a moment before standing up and walking over Michael's chest. "Mm," he groaned. "Babe, what are you-" his eyes shot open. "Oh my god," he stared awestricken at the tiny, incredibly fluffy animal on top of him. "Y/N, who is this?" He asked, trying to contain the excitement in his voice. "She's our new puppy," you smiled proudly. "You're joking," he said quietly. "She's so freaking cute!" He shouted, picking her up and holding her above his head. You giggled when he started speaking to her in baby-talk. "Who's a boo-boo? Who's a little boo-boo?" He cooed. You decided to join in. "No," he glared at you, "she's my boo," he said firmly. You pouted. "I'm joking, words cannot describe how much I love you right now."


Pathetic-Jack: You get requests. But how do you get the inspiration for the story in them?

Sometimes I write on my past experiences, movies, TV shows or songs. Though mostly I base each idea on the personality and vibe of each boy. As strange as it sounds, my inspiration simply is the guy - how I'd envision them in the particular request you guys send me.

donnya101: Who is your fave member of 5SOS?

Michael. I don't even know why. I just want to cuddle him.

thinkkaitlyn: Do you have any advice for people trying to start writing on Wattpad?

Be unique, quirky, don't be afraid to be weird, have good grammar and write with a certain emotion that you want your reader to have in mind. It took ages for me to actually receive requests, and I remember tweeting like crazy about 1K reads. Just never give up, never stop writing.

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