He/You Get In An Accident

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He/You Get In An Accident (Requested By SocialCasualtyxo)


The guys were returning from their tour next week, and you couldn't be more excited to finally be reunited with your boyfriend, Ashton. The light pitter patter of rain was a constant hum outside your bedroom window. Although it was incredibly early, you found your eyes closing at the relaxing sound. Moments before you succumbed to slumber, your phone buzzed loudly against your bedside table. You arm outstretched and you managed to answer the phone and hold it to your ear without opening your eyes. "Mm?" You grumbled into the speakers. "Y/N," a voice panted. Your eyes opened and you sat up straight. "We're at the hospital," you heard Luke say. "What? Why? Is everyone okay?" Your heart began to pound against your ribcage. "Ashton's in... He's in ICU," he croaked, and you felt your stomach drop. "We're here, we were just driving to your place to surprise you, and-and someone ran into us from-" "I'm coming," you cut him off. "They won't let anyone see him," he warned, but you were already grabbing at your keys and making your way to your car. The short drive to the hospital felt like an eternity, and your hands were shaking terribly the entire time. You sprinted through the doors and immediately saw Luke and Michael sitting solemnly on those uncomfortable, plastic chairs. You approached them and Luke was the first to notice you, he stood up and engulfed you in his arms. "His family is in the room with him," he told you, hoping it'd be a sort of comfort. "Where's Calum?" You asked. "We were with him, but came out to meet you. He got hurt a little, he was in the back with Ash. He'll be fine," he assured. They stood up and began leading you to Calum's room before a doctor stepped out of the ICU calling your name. "Y/N?" You rushed towards him, "yes?" "Are you Y/N Y/L/N?" You nodded. "Ashton's requested to see you," he told you three and all your eyes widened. "He's awake?" Michael asked happily and the doctor nodded, turning and leading you to his room. You noticed Ashton's eyes light up when he saw you, "Y/N!" He went to outstretch his arms, but pulled back in pain. "Ash," you called quietly. "I was meant to surprise you in a good way," he croaked out. You took his hand and squeezed it lightly. "I love you," you said quickly, and he managed a smile. "Love you too," he replied with a whisper. "Everything hurts," he whimpered, and you placed another hand over his. "Thank god you're alive," you said and he nodded once. "Yes," he chucked. "I'll always be here."


"You're insane, but I love you," you told Calum. He smiled, showing off the crinkles by his eyes. "I love you because you're insane," he replied without thought. He held your hand tightly as you both walked excitedly down the narrow pathway. The moon was your only source of light, and the tree branches stretched over you resembling skeleton claws. "Are you sure this is the way to your place?" You asked and he raised he eyebrows. "I think I know my own neighbourhood, babe," he assured you. "Wait, I recognise it now," you said as you took notice of a familiar blue house. "Your place should be around the corner," you let go of his hand and jogged forward. "Slow down!" He shouted. "Catch up!" You taunted. You heard his heavy footsteps quicken behind you, so you sprinted and looked behind you quickly. You managed to lose your step where the curb met the road, causing you to trip out on your hands and knees. The car turning around the corner saw you, but still managed to hit you as it tried to slow down. "Y/N!" Calum ran to your side immediately as the lady in the car opened her door quickly to join him. Her hands were already on her phone calling the ambulance as Calum tried to inspect you. "Y/N, say something," he crouched low on the floor to see your face and he noticed your eyes were closed. His ear pressed against your chest and almost cried from relief when he heard your heart beat. "Is she breathing?" The lady asked and Calum nodded, moving the hair away from your face. When the ambulance arrived, they had to pry him away from you to get you into the vehicle. A police officer approached him. "You're a witness to the accident?" They asked him, but all he wanted to do was be with you. "Yes, let me in," he tried to make his way into the ambulance. "We need to ask you some questions. What's your name?" Calum managed to answer all the questions thrown at him, but you were on his mind the entire time. When he arrived, you were thankfully awake. He rushed to your side and pulled his seat up close to you. "How do you feel?" He asked and you groaned in response. "You scared me to death," he whispered. "I don't remember what happened," you frowned. "Wait, you remember me, right?" He asked and you smiled. "You're the doctor?" You laughed and he rolled his eyes. "Making jokes in a hospital bed, of course."


You and Luke had a strict code and schedule of FaceTime sessions. To avoid any timezone problems, anytime he was in a different location he'd make sure to sort out immediately the best time to call you. When he never called at your agreed time of 8:30PM for him and 1:30PM for you, without even a text of explanation, you were a little worried. Luke made sure to call you on the dot every time, and he'd never failed. You texted him a love heart, and he still hadn't replied. You finally decided to call him, and the longer the ringing dragged on, the more anxious you got. Finally there was an answer. "Luke! I was starting to get worried," you chuckled. You froze when you heard crying on the line. "C-Calum?" You called, immediately standing up. "Y/N, I-there was an accident," he sobbed. "Are you okay?" You asked and you heard him take the phone away from his ear. He took a deep breath before speaking again, "I'm fine, Luke's pretty bad," he told you. "What happened?" You asked quickly, pacing around your living room anxiously. "A truck hit the tour bus, and I didn't see much. There was just blood," he broke down again, clearly traumatised. "Where are you now?" You asked. "The hospital, waiting," his throat was raw from crying. "Where's Luke?" You asked. "He's in... He's in the ICU. I only saw him once when the ambulance took him, there was broken glass everywhere," he added. "Will he be okay?" You asked him, "I hope so, he was fixing up his hair to talk to you," he said. "And he was so excited but I-I took his phone away just for fun," he took quick, shallow breaths. "If I didn't do that, he wouldn't have been where he was, and he would have called you. He has to be okay," he pleaded. By this point tears were freely spilling down your cheeks. "Stay on the phone with me," you said sternly. "How can you not hate me right now?" He cried. "Because it was an accident, keep me updated okay, calm down," you comforted him. "I'm so sorry."


"I can do it," he insisted. "You're going to fall, and that chainsaw is going to fly-" "I can do it!" Michael was halfway up a ladder, deciding that he was professional enough to cut down the branch that's been banging against your window every night. "I'll call someone, seriously, get down now," you warned him but he only took another step higher. "I can't look. Moron," you mumbled, but he only smirked. You held the ladder tightly in your hands and looked down at the floor. After hearing him try to start the chainsaw, you groaned and forced yourself to calm down. This was his inevitable display of proving himself as capable and useful, and you had no choice but to endure it. By the fourth try, you looked up. "Michael, you don't have to do this for me," you pleaded but he shook his head, "I want to," he said sweetly. You looked down again and heard him try to continue. Not moments later you heard him shout, but were too late to help him before he stumbled off the ladder. The chainsaw landed a metre beside him, and you were immediately at his side. "Are you hurt?" You asked instantly and he nodded, gripping at his lower arm. "Is it broken?" You asked. "I don't know, it hurts really badly," he winced and you helped him up. "Come on, babe," you mumbled and he groaned. "I just wanted to help," he said, wincing more as you began leading him out to your car. "So much for Mikerowave," you taunted and he blushed. "I tried my best," he tried to sound calm through the intense pain. You buckled him in and started the car. "I wanted to be your superhero," he commented sadly and you smiled. "You are, you don't have to prove it by falling off a ladder," you taunted and he groaned, "thanks for not saying I told you so," "I told you so."

A/N: ATTENTION! Just so you know, I'll only take requests through PM. And requests for imagines are closed currently, so you can only request preferences.

Love to Hemmo96xharry, who I hope to meet at 5SOS next year. And hello to Kira, if you happen to read this, for being my concert buddy, the beloved spare ticket is here waiting for you

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