Love Triangles (Part 2)

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Love Triangles (Part 2)

A/N: so Ashton won by a LANDSLIDE! And Luke beat Michael by TWO VOTES! Sorry to everyone who voted Calum and Mikey, but the people have spoken!


"No, tell me what happened," you ordered and he looked down, fiddling nervously with his fingers. "I uhm... Ashton told me he..." He trailed off, trying to find words. "Cal?" You asked and he sighed in defeat. "Ashton told me he liked you...and I promised I'd try help him talk to you. But when we worked together last week I uhm..." He looked down, "I realised I like you too," he said quietly. You were about to respond before he continued, "and I encouraged him to ask you out at the library. But I freaked out and texted you hoping he hadn't gotten to you first, and I feel terrible," he confessed. You were in shock, "I have to find him," you mumbled and he took your hand. "Just let me take you home," he offered but you broke free, running down the pathway trying to find Ashton. "Ash?" You called, turning the corner hoping to catch him in time. You looked around but saw him nowhere in the dim light. "Ashton, can you hear me?" You called, continuing to walk quickly along the concrete. That's when you noticed a small figure sitting on a broken bench under the shade of a bus stop. You walked over and sat beside him. His glasses were on his lap and his fisted hands were rubbing frantically at his eyes. You weren't sure if he even noticed your presence, as muffled sobs were escaping his lips. You placed a light hand on his arm and he flinched, looking up with red eyes meeting yours. "Y/N," he said and he pulled his sleeves quickly over his hands making sweater paws. He used them to wipe the tears still on his cheeks. "Sorry for ruining your night, I shouldn't have done anything," he apologised in a quiet, broken voice. "No," you replied quickly, "what Calum did was terrible. You know I would've declined immediately if I knew," you assured him and put his glasses back on. "Really? He asked. "Would you have said 'yes' to me?" He asked hopefully, his sweater paws clenching and squeezing nervously at the fabric. You nodded immediately and he beamed, a blush instantly creeping onto his already red cheeks. "You're not just saying that?" He asked and you shook your head, "I think you're amazing," you told him and he smiled, showing off his dimples. "You're more amazing," he said sheepishly, biting on his bottom lip. You leaned in quickly and kissed his cheek. When you pulled back you noticed his eyes fall to your lips. "Do you have a way home?" He asked suddenly and you shook your head, "It was Calum," you said sadly and you noticed his shoulders slump at the mention of his name. "My car's around the corner, I can take you home. Or we can..." You smiled at him and he hid his face in his still sweater paw'd hands. "We can go to the arcade?" He asked and you took his hand, "Let's go."


You shuffled nervously on your feet, causing a loud creak which hushed both Luke and Michael immediately. You stood frozen with a look of the most painful anticipation waiting for them to say something. "Y/N?" Luke called out, and you took a careful, deep breath. You then made your way down the stairs casually, as if you hadn't heard a word they said. "Are you wearing a bra?" Michael asked casually and Luke turned to him in shock before his head snapped to you, his eyes trailing down to your chest. You blushed and folded your arms, "no, since you drowned mine in Fanta," you said quietly. He blushed and you took a seat between them both. An awkward silence then fell upon you three and you noticed Luke stare at Michael expectantly. You chuckled nervously and Michael took a deep breath, "Y/N," he began and you blushed knowing exactly what was to happen. "I know you're my best friend, but will you go on a date with me?" he asked with confidence, though you could tell he was shaking like a lost puppy on the inside. You prepared yourself for the news you had to give, "I like you, Michael," his eyes gleamed and Luke's entire body slumped. "But not like that," you finished and Michael looked down. "Will you go out with me then?" Luke chimed in excitedly. "Uhm," you were feeling overwhelmed and your hesitance instantly made Luke insecure. "Never mind," he said quickly and Michael decided to help him out. "Give him a chance, he said you were freaking hot," Michael winked at Luke, who promptly reached over you to slap him. "I did not!" He argued and you smiled, "I heard you." His cheeks burned bright red and Michael laughed, "go on," he assured you. "You didn't even let me finish, I was going to say 'yes'," you admitted quietly and Luke smiled, "really?" And before you realised what was happening, Michael was pushing you both towards the front door. "What are you doing?" You laughed as he opened it and forced you both out. "Go on that date," he smiled but you bit your lip. "Are you okay?" You asked, referring to his confession earlier. He nodded, "if I can't have you, there's no one I'd like more than Luke to have you instead," he assured you and you nodded. "Now go!" He pushed Luke into you and you both stumbled on the 'welcome' mat as the door slammed behind you. "Wait!" You yelled. "I'm not even wearing a bra," you told him and Luke laughed. "Good," you heard through the door. "Thank me later Luke, I've made it easier for you."

A/N: hope you guys liked this one. In other news, I feel 1M reads coming soon, and I have no idea how to celebrate. Give me suggestions! Also, if you want to chat you can message me your kik or iMessage and we can be best buddies x

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