Drunk Calls (Part 2)

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Drunk Calls - Part 2 (Requested By 35+ Naughty Nuggets)

A/N: You know, I know, they know, everyone knows you're just here for Michael's. And I don't blame you.


You entered the club and spotted Ashton's messy curls immediately. Luke was beside him, resembling a lost puppy. You approached them both, and Ashton beamed when he recognised your face. "Y/N!" He shouted, causing Luke to flinch, but sigh and relax at the sound of your name. He walked up to you with wide eyes, "thank god you're here, please take me home," he pleaded. "Aw, birthday boy," you gave him a hug. "Hands off my girl!" Ashton was pulling Luke off you immediately. You glared at Ashton before taking his hand, Luke following close behind. "Are you really drunk before midnight?" You muttered and he draped an arm over you shoulder. "Mhm," he purred. You sat Luke in the backseat and Ashton in the front beside you. "Babe, turn it up," Ashton requested. You reluctantly turned up the radio, and were consequently subjected to the loudest and most off-key singing to exist. As soon as you entered your apartment Ashton was all over you. Luke silently made his way to your sofa, holding his knees to his chest. "Ash," "babe," he whined. "We're gonna watch a movie, for Luke," you told him. He groaned but complied. "What do you want to watch?" You asked Luke. "Mean Girls," he mumbled. You put the movie on and went to the kitchen, grabbing a cupcake and decorating it with an 'L' out of M&M's. He blushed when you handed it to him. You got a blanket and threw it over the both of them, crawling inside with Ashton immediately pulling you as close to him as possible. "Mm, you're so sweet," he mumbled, kissing down your neck to you collarbone. Luke leaned over to you, "he really does like you," he whispered. Your eyes widened. "He never shuts up about you," he added with a smirk. "He's right," Ashton commented, startling you both. "I like you a lot."


You approached the house and groaned when he wasn't waiting for you outside. You called him again, and before he answered his phone you saw him stumbling out the front door. You shuffled towards him as fast as your stiff limbs would allow. "You're meant to be taking care of me," you told him. "Oh, I'll take care of you," he giggled again. You rolled your eyes and led him to your house. You shut the front door quickly. "Now, I'm really sick, so," "aw, baby," he hugged you tightly. You looked up at him and noticed his cheeks were flushed and eyes were glossy. "You wanna snuggle? Like you said on the phone?" You asked and he smiled. "Snuggle!" He yelled, causing your head to throb. He picked you up and dived with you onto your sofa. You groaned, making him pout. "Sorry baby, I gotta look after you," he took the blanket you were using earlier and draped it over both him and yourself. His left leg was in between yours, and his left arm drawing patterns on your side. "You're so perfect," he mumbled as his nose nuzzled into your neck, but you didn't hear him, already fast asleep.


Luke was asleep by the time you got to Ashton's house. "He's in my bed," Ashton told you. "What did you do to him?" you laughed, slapping him lightly on the shoulder. "He's as lightweight as it gets," Michael chimed in. "But hey, we got what we wanted," Calum gave Michael a high five. "What? Humiliate and abuse him?" You snapped. "No, we got him to finally admit to you he's like head over heels in love," Calum sung. "Yeah, while he's drunk!" You yelled. "Sober thoughts, Y/N." You decided to stay the night, crashing on the sofa. Though with the guys in the house, they couldn't help but pulling another prank, deciding to place you in bed with Luke. So when Luke woke up early, he almost had a heart attack. "Y/N! What are you doing?" He shouted, startling you awake. "What?" You took in your surroundings, realising what had been done quite quickly. "Did we?" His eyes widened. "No!" You laughed, placing a hand on his shoulder. He sighed, biting his lip. His eyes widened suddenly, most likely remembering what he said to you on the phone. He looked up at you with a blush. "Do you remember what I said?" He mumbled, and you nodded slowly. He looked down and fiddled with his fingers, "do you want it to be real or not real?" He asked. "You're not Peeta Mellark, you tell me if it was or not," you moved your hand to his knee, and he flinched slightly before taking a deep breath. "I do love you," he admitted. "Love-love?" You made fun of his earlier drunk ramblings. He smirked, "yes, love-love," he mumbled. "I love-love you too," you admitted and he smiled, showing off his dimples. Before he realised what you were doing, your lips were on his. He hummed at the feeling of your hands running through his messy hair. He pulled you so you were both lying down in the bed, sweet kisses and tangled limbs. "And you're really pretty," he mumbled against your neck.


When you arrived, he was leaning against a wall with a bottle in his hands. You groaned and walked up to him. He smiled lazily when he recognised your face. "Sexy," he slurred, looking you up and down. "Shh," you took the bottle out of his hand and led him to your car. You opened the door to the backseat, "no, wanna touch you," he whined. The ride home was more than frustrating, and you were relieved to make it back to your apartment quickly. He shut your front door by pushing you into it. "Mm," he purred. "Finally," his raspy voice sent chills down your spine as his fingers trailed up your thigh. You breathed in deeply, "oh, you like that, kitten?" He chuckled. His lips lingered over yours, and you could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Michael," you murmured. "Mm?" He started leaving lazy kisses down your jaw as his hands remained on your hips. You pushed him off gently, making him pout. "Don't you want me? I want you so bad, kitten," he pleaded. "I do," you whispered. He bit his lip, pressing his body up against yours again. "Wanna hear you moan my name, I want to make you scream," his hands clawed down your back. You gulped, knowing it would be best to look after him. "Not now," you pushed him off again. He huffed. "Come on," you took his hand and led him to your room. "Wanna snuggle?" You asked, turning back to face him. He nodded, his wide eyes signalling that he was completely out of it. You slipped off your shoes and untied his. "Thanks, kitten," he mumbled. "Why are you calling me that?" You asked as you crawled under the covers and dragged him in with you. "Because you're my kitten, wanna cuddle," he wrapped his arm over your stomach and pulled your back towards his chest. "Big spoon," he mumbled, making you laugh.

A/N: 7 months ago I had 1K reads on here, and now my mind has exploded with all these reads and comments, so thank you all so much!

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