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A/N: These are beyond cliché but I love cliché, I hope you do too!


Your fingers traced lightly over the name imprinted on your arm. You stared at it every night ever since it appeared there five years ago. 'Ashton Irwin', you smiled, wondering where and when exactly you'd meet your future soulmate. It was a Monday morning, you entered the lecture theatre early, thinking no one would be there. In the fifth row, however, you found someone unfamiliar sitting alone. You bit your lip, deciding to muster enough courage to introduce yourself to the new student. You descended the stairs, causing him to turn and smile at you. Giving him a small wave, you gestured to the seat next to him, asking if it were okay to join him. He nodded, and you took the seat, "Hey, I'm-" "Well, look who's early!" Your professor entered the theatre, holding a stack of paperwork. "You must be Ashton!" He said, and your heart started thumping wildly. He and the professor started talking, but your heart beat was the only sound you could hear. "Ashton.." You whispered. He turned to you. "Irwin?" You asked. His brows furrowed, "yeah, how did you kno-" and that's when his eyes caught sight of his name printed on your arm. He looked back up to your eyes, "Y/N?" He asked, his own eyes widening. You nodded, and a huge smile spread across his face, revealing the most adorable dimples. "It only took five years," he joked. You thought your heart was going to break out of your rib cage. You bit your lips, "I guess we should.. go out after this?" You suggested, making him giggle. "That'd be a good start... soulmate," he nudged your shoulder.


You sat next to your best friend Michael, after three months of being apart. It was his time off, and he organised a flight for you to see him and meet his band mates for the first time. It was 12AM, and the five of you sat watching a movie together at a hotel. You pulled up your sleeve and stared at the four small words marked on your skin, 'What's the magic word?' You'd kept these words a secret, always wearing a bracelet or watch. The only person who knew what they said were Michael, and he'd say them all the time to annoy you. Your day with the band consisted of the five of you lounging around the hotel, ordering pizza and playing video games. Throughout this time, you'd made friends with both Luke and Ashton, but hadn't managed to make a connection with Calum. In fact, he hadn't even said a word to you. You'd always been particularly fascinated by the boy, and was disappointed when he didn't seem to want to talk. You looked over to him from your seat, and saw that he was already staring at you. He turned away quickly, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. You bit your lip, deciding not to look away. A moment later, he looked back, and smiled when he met with your taunting glare. He reached for the popcorn in his lap, and threw one in your direction. It hit your arm, and you scowled at him. He reached for more, and began hurling popcorn after popcorn towards you. "Quit it!" You laughed. "What's the magic word?" He responded. You froze, and once Calum noticed your reaction, his hand flew to the words written on his arm. Michael, who knew both yours and Calum's words, stared at the two of you in utter shock. "Holy shit," he mumbled. You couldn't stop the smile that spread across your face. "Well," you said. Calum's cheeks were now redder than ever. "Get a room, soulmates," Michael taunted. Luke and Ashton turned from the television. "What?" They asked in unison. "Looks like these two lovebirds are destined to be together," Michael smirked. Calum and yourself, still in shock, just stared at each other in awe.


The world was black and white. Shades of grey, as well, but that didn't change how monotonous everyday life was without colour. You'd read thousands of stories online. The moment you make eye contact with your soulmate, and suddenly the world is in colour. You'd been imagining how this moment would be ever since you learnt colours existed, and you couldn't wait to see the world that's being hidden from you. Today, however, colours weren't on your mind. Today your favourite band was in your city, and you managed to score tickets to an album signing. You stood in line with the hundreds of other girls, clutching your album to your chest and holding a rose you were to give to Luke carefully. An eternity later, your moment arrived. "Hi Michael," you said, your heart pounding wildly at coming face to face with your favourite band. All too quickly, you were at the end of the table, standing in front of Luke. He signed his name on your album, "how are you today?" He looked up, and your eyes locked. Your heart skipped a beat at the electrifying blue staring back at you. Luke froze, and his jaw dropped slightly. Despite the millions of colours around you, you were utterly mesmerised by the deep blue of his eyes. Snapping out of your trance, you handed him the rose, finally able to see its bright red. He took it with a smile. The security guard tried to push you along, but he took your hand. "What's your name?" He asked, head swirling from dazzling colours all around him. "Y/N," you replied. "Well, Y/N... Looks like we're soulmates."


It was nerve-wracking. You spent the entire day making sure you looked your absolute best. The countdown on your arm was now down to 5 minutes. You sat on the bench, in a park which was usually quiet during the week. Of course, today, the day you were to meet your soulmate, it was buzzing with people. Your eyes darted amongst all the faces, nervously awaiting to meet the love of your life. Your eyes flew back to your arm, only sixty seconds remaining. Your feet bounced almost violently on the gravelly ground beneath you. Closing your eyes, your heart almost burst knowing the day you'd been waiting for for years had finally arrived. You were consumed with a sudden urge to stand up, and you began walking along the pathway, not daring to look up at the faces approaching. Thirty seconds left, never had time appeared to move so slowly before. Your stomach was flipping madly, and although every inch of your body was telling you to look up, you refused. Ten seconds, you walked faster, keeping your eyes on your feet as you walked across the path, your head starting to spin from the nerves. You looked at your arm. One second. You felt two strong hands grip your shoulders. You looked up and saw a black 'Metallica' tank top, and a smile spread across your lips. Two bright green eyes locked with yours. The boy was biting on his bottom lip, which was a mind-blowing red. "Hello," he said, his mind racing at the sight of this gorgeous girl in front of him. "Hello, soulmate," you smiled. He laughed, "you can call me Michael," he replied, his hand trailing down your arm to take yours.


FreyjaGulaugsdttir: What are some of your favourite artists in music?

5SOS, 1D, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce the Veil, The 1975!

heaveniallx: What is your all time favourite song by 5SOS?

English Love Affair WOOO

Iwuvcalumxox: Who do you ship?


Jennatidy: What lane are you in?

Michael's of course

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