Proposal Gone Wrong

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Proposal Gone Wrong (Requested By WrongBandNiall)

A/N: Hello! Happy New Year everyone! I have graduated, received the results for my exams and am proud to say all my hard work has paid off. Thank you for all your good luck wishes! A huge shout out and thank you to the wonderful Sophia (@stardustluke) for helping me with Luke and Michael's preference here, and for being super adorable. Enjoy!

Y/F/N = Your Full Name


It was the night before Christmas, and Ashton decided to take advantage of this festive season to finally propose to you. You'd noticed that his grip on your waist was a little tighter than usual. The consistent bounce in his step had also vanished. "Ash, are you alright?" You looked up to meet his eyes. "Yeah!" He replied instantly, causing you to furrow your brows at him. "Okay, now I'm really nervous for what you have to show me," you mumbled and dropped your gaze back down to the sidewalk. The Christmas lights draped over the entire neighbourhood illuminated the features of Ashton's face, which only served to emphasise how terrified he was. He chuckled nervously, "don't be, it'll be fine, be excited!" He jumped in front of you. You could tell this sudden burst of energy was an attempt to shake off his nerves. You sighed, reaching out to take his hand. "It better be good, considering the amount of hype you and the guys have been giving it," you teased. He groaned in response, "I wanted to keep it on the down low, but can Michael keep his mouth shut? Nope." Ashton's house came into view, and only then did you feel the butterflies that seemed to be plaguing Ashton's stomach. You felt his fingers tighten around yours, squeezing harder with each step you took closer to the destination. "Okay," he said loudly, positioning your body so you were standing directly in front of his house. "Wha-" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a blindfold, your eyes widening in response. He smiles cheekily, "is this cool?" he asked before tying the fabric around your eyes. "Sure thing," you sighed, giving in to whatever the guys had planned. You heard shuffling, and a quiet commotion in the distance. "Shit," you heard Calum curse, and had to bite your lip to keep from laughing. You held your breath to hear more. "Are you hitting the right button?" Someone whispered. "There's only one button." Your hand flew to your mouth. "Damn it," you heard Ashton mumble before running towards the direction of the guys' voices. "Ash? Did you seriously just leave me standing in the middle of the street at night with a blindfold on?" You called. "Be right back, babe!" A few minutes passed, and Ashton's resigned footsteps slowly approached. "Okay, so the plan isn't working out, but I can't back down now," he mumbled sadly. "Aw, it's okay Ash," you reached up to take off the blindfold. "Wait!" You felt his hands on your wrists. "When I say, yeah?" He asked nervously. It was cold, and you were beginning to get tired of Ashton's so-called 'spectacular surprise'. "Yeah," you grumbled. You heard some more shifting, then a quiet voice saying "okay." You took off the blindfold and noticed Ashton was down on his knees. You narrowed your eyes at him, and it took you another few seconds to notice the box he was clutching tightly. "Y/F/N," he began, and both your hands flew to your face. The neighbour's Christmas lights danced in his eyes. "I couldn't have wished for anything greater than falling in love with you. You're the first person I want to see when I wake up, excluding that time you accidentally slapped in your half-sleep state, and the last person I want to see before I sleep. He bit his lip nervously, studying your face to read your thoughts. "These last few years with you have been the best of my life, and I hope to spend the rest of mine in the exact same way." He took a deep breath. "Will you m-" "HOLY SHIT," Michael shouted. "Luke just got electrocuted!" He added. "I'm okay!" He groaned. That's when the lights on Ashton's house flickered on, the words 'Marry Me?' shining brightly. "Yes," you answered. It took Ashton a second to realise what you were answering, but when he did, his dimples were on full display. He opened the box and slid the beautiful ring on your finger. "Are you sure? I mean, that had got to be the worst propo-" "just shut up and kiss me."

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