Hey Everybody!

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Hey Everybody!

A/N: I thought it'd be hilarious to write a preference with each of the guy's characters in the new music video. Cringe-worthy jokes and references below, you have been warned.


You thought it'd be fun to be in charge of the party entertainment for your pony-obsessed cousin's sixth birthday. You could have not been more wrong. Everything was falling to pieces. The cake you helped bake for four hours was dropped on the floor and the wind was destroying the meticulously placed decorations hung up by your family. You watched in agony as half the balloons you'd blown up were carried away. At least everyone was looking forward to the pony you'd hired, right? Ponies for Parties called half an hour ago, saying your pony was sick, and all the others were busy. You had to think of something quick. You picked up a cheap chocolate mud cake and began calling up all the local party services. You decided a pony in a costume would be better than no pony at all. It's not like you had a choice, since they were the only one's that'd be able to make it to the address in time. You rushed back home and helped with the final touch ups. Moments later, your cousin was rushing through the door, almost tackling you to the ground. "Happy birthday, sweetie!" You exclaimed. "Is the pony here?" She squealed and jumped on the spot. You gulped, "she will be!" It was half way through the party, and the kids were becoming restless. You were running out of party games to play, and the parents were doing nothing but chatting in the living room. You heard the doorbell ring, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You opened the door to see a guy smiling at you, a green dinosaur head under his arm. "What is this?" You snapped. His jaw dropped, "d-did I come to the wrong house?" he stepped backwards. "I ordered a pony," you said through gritted teeth. He gulped. "I-uh, they told me to come here," he bit his bottom lip. "Damn it, come in," you stepped aside. "But I'm getting a refund," you mumbled, making him pout. You led him to the backyard, where everyone was eager to see a pony. Ashton jumped out, with the dinosaur head on, "hey kids!" He shouted, and you hid your face in your hands. There was silence. "Who's the birthday girl?" He called. "Me," your cousin grumbled. "Y/N, where's the pony?" She asked. Ashton's arms dropped. "The pony was too sleepy, so she asked me to come instead," Ashton answered for you. "Boo!" A kid shouted. "Come on, let's-" that same kid threw a chip at him. "Hey!" Another chip was flung, and that's when all hell broke loose. They charged at him, and there was nothing you could do to stop them. He was tackled to the ground, and you tried your best to pry them off him. "Hey everybody!" parents had emerged from inside to see what the commotion was about. You looked at them helplessly. "Come inside, we can cut the cake," one suggested. All the kids sprinted indoors immediately, leaving Ashton a sweaty, chip covered mess on the ground. You knelt down beside him, "are you okay?" You asked. He turned to face you, a small smile forming on his lips. "I need a new job," he groaned. "That curly-haired kid kneed me in the groin," he added, and you couldn't help but laugh. "I saw KFC have a spot open," you suggested and he shrugged, contemplating it. You stood up and held out your hand. "Thanks hun," he said as you helped lift him off the ground. You picked up his dinosaur head, "you dropped this," you said as he took it off your hands. "This is so embarrassing," he looked down, hair drooping over his eyes. "Maybe some cake will make you feel better," you suggested, gesturing to the house. "Where those devil children are? No thanks," he chuckled. "I'll get you some," your voice trailed off. "Ashton," he told you his name. "Y/N," you replied. "I'll be right back, Ashton-saur," you smirked. His cheeks filled with colour, "shut up," he mumbled.


"Y/N, I'm in desperate need of your help," Calum pleaded over the phone, and you could tell he was trying his best to keep his composure. "Are you okay, Cal?" You stood up, knowing something was seriously wrong. "Y/N, I..." his breath hitched in his throat. "Tell me, Calum!" You raised your voice. "I lost Jackie," his voice broke. "Who the hell is Jackie?" You asked, confused. "The pug," he answered solemnly. "You idiot, how did you lose a dog?" You asked, grabbing your keys off the counter. "I'm on Summer Avenue, can you come?" He was on the verge of tears. "Already on my way, anything for Calum's Dog Walking Service." You spotted Calum straight away, he was holding half a dozen dogs. "No wonder you lost Jackie, you moron, why are you walking so many dogs?" You asked. He sighed, "don't have my rent and it's the first of the month," he frowned. You sighed, "let's get looking." It'd been an hour and there was still no sign of the little pooch. "Jackie!" You shouted for the hundredth time, your voice echoing throughout the empty streets. You heard Calum sob behind you. "Calum! We're going to find him," you hugged him, one of the dogs licking your leg in the process. Pulling away, you saw a tear streak down his cheek, and your heart broke. The moment you went to wipe it away, a single bark sounded in the distance. You sprinted towards the sound, and saw the pug as soon as you turned the corner. You picked up Jackie in your arms and ran back towards Calum. His eyes lit up, "Jackie baby!" He squealed, kissing the dog's nose. You handed him the lead and placed the dog on the ground. "Thank you so much, Y/N," he leaned down to kiss you on the cheek. You smiled, "no problem, dog whisperer," you taunted. "Not after today's mishap," he mumbled. "Who knows, maybe you'll have your own dog training show some day."

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