He's Dating Your Sister But Likes You

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He's Dating Your Sister But Likes You (Requested By Jujubadr)

A/N: I'm going to make the default sister's name Chloe because bad at coming up with names (sorry if that's your name)


You'd been crushing on this guy for who knows how long. In fact, you've taken an online quiz that stated you may possibly be in love with this guy. So things were going fine in this state of 'it's a crush but I'm not going to do anything about it', that was, until, last Saturday night. You were studying quietly in your room in your cloud print pj's and your hair pretty much resembling a nest. With your earphones in, you happened to be oblivious to the fact Ashton was in your house, until, he started banging at your door. You ripped your earphones out immediately and heard, "y/n? Is anyone even home?" He laughed. You were frozen, "uhm..yes?" You called quietly. "Where's your sister?" He asked in amusement. "She's out.." You replied and you heard him groan. "We arranged a movie night tonight here," "she told me she went out with friends," "seriously?" He sounded pretty heartbroken. As terrible as it sounded, it was your chance. "Well, I need a break from study. Wanna still watch a movie?" You asked and your heart almost stopped waiting for the reply. "Might as well," he laughed and you jumped up from your bed. Before you remembered what attire you were actually wearing, it was too late. You'd opened the door and he was staring with the most condescending smirk at your pyjamas. "Nice," he commented and you couldn't stop the red creeping up on your cheeks. "Didn't expect any guests," you mumbled. "Didn't expect to be watching a movie with my girlfriend's sister, either," he said as you walked past him to the living room, him following close behind. "If she's even my girlfriend anymore..." He added. "Why'd you say that?" You asked, turning on the television. "Because, no offence, I thought she'd be different?" He admitted it as a question. He took a seat beside you as you looked for a movie. "Everyone does," you replied in amusement. "You deserve better, really," you added quietly. "I do?" He asked, his head turning to lock eyes with you. You simply nodded, unable to come up with a comprehensible response with the way he was staring at you. "Uhm, thanks for being here when Chloe wasn't. You made it easier," he told you. "Easier?" "To get over her," he clarified, and then his lips were on yours. Let's just say Chloe got a pretty huge surprise when she returned home.


You were standing alone at a party your sister forced you to attend. Thinking she'd be with you the whole time, you agreed. Little did you know that she'd abandon you to hang out with her boyfriend, Calum. It was beyond awkward. You knew barely any one there, and because she was your only ride home, you were forced to stay. You managed to lay low in a dark and quiet corner sipping on something you hoped was legal, and tried to not make eye contact with anyone who walked past. The plan was going perfectly, until you felt someone's arm sneak around your waist. You flinched, which only made him pull you in closer against him. "Hi, Y/N," he drawled, the alcohol on his breath and the look in his eyes indicated he was a little more than drunk. "Have I ever told you I liked you?" He mumbled into your ear, you pushed him off. "Calum, you like Chloe, you're with Chloe," you reminded him. "Chloe? You mean her?" He nodded bitterly towards towards the party and you saw her kissing another guy. Your jaw dropped, "but," you started and he cut you off. "You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" His lips leaned into your neck, and you didn't stop him. "Calum.." "I've always liked you more, Y/N," he admitted, and it was so genuine you almost forgot he was drunk. "Believe me," he continued as his lips left soft kisses all around your neck and collar bone.


Your sister Chloe just happened to be one of the worst human beings on earth. To your most tragic surprise, you realised last week that she was dating your crush of almost a year, Luke. You wanted nothing more but to warn him, save him, protect him from her. She was the definition of evil, and you didn't want him getting hurt. You had a feeling things weren't going to end well for him, and these feeling were reaffirmed when you heard Chloe in her room. With a guy. A guy who wasn't Luke. It was painful. Painful knowing that Luke, probably the nicest guy at school, was being completely used by your sister. "Luke!" You called from across the hall. He beamed when he saw you jogging towards him, "hi Y/N," he said shyly. "Luke," you repeated, and he knew something was wrong. "Are you okay?" He asked, noticing you were out of breath. "Chloe," you began. "She's...she's cheating on you, Luke," you said and he froze. There was a short silence before he nodded, "how could I expect anything else?" He asked himself. "You-you expected this?" You asked in disbelief and he looked down. "Uhm... Okay, don't freak out or- actually nothing," he stuttered. "What?" You took a step closer and he blushed. "To be honest, you're the reason-well, the only reason I said yes when she asked me out was so I'd have excuses to see and talk to you," he mumbled, rocking back and forward on his feet nervously. "Wait-" "I like you, basically," he admitted with that blush still bright red on his cheeks. "I like you too," you told him and he looked up with wide eyes. He showed off his dimples, "really?" He asked, pulling his folders closer to his chest. "I should ask you out then, right?"


Your sister's got this boyfriend, and he just happens to be super cute. Which is pretty much the most frustrating thing ever. Whenever he was over you had to hide in your room because no way could you be in the same room with him and not stare at him as if he were a Greek god. It's infuriating. It was Saturday, which means their weekly movie night was tonight, which also meant you were preparing to hibernate in your room. You were studying peacefully until you heard a quiet knock on your door. "Chloe, go, I'm studying," you snapped. The door handle turned and you groaned. "What do you wa-" and that's when you noticed him sneaking quietly into your room. He shut the door silently behind him. "What do I want?" He whispered. "I want you." The pen you were holding in your hand promptly fell into your lap. "U-uhm.." You gulped and he smirked, making his way to your bed. "Do you have any idea how frustrating it is.. Knowing every time I come here you're in your room.. All alone?" He slowly moved all your books and sheets aside as you sat frozen and cross-legged leaning back against your pillow. "Do you?" He repeated. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out. He smiled, "will this make you talk?" He crawled onto the bed and kissed your lips before you even thought about a comprehensible response. He leaned back and sat down to study your reaction. When you stared at him with wide eyes and red cheeks, he couldn't help but chuckle and blush with you. "Michael?" You heard your sister call from the living room. He stood up immediately. "She's awake, see you later," he winked and left your room without another word, leaving you utterly shocked and flustered.

A/N: why do I always put song references in Luke's prefs. COMMENT WHAT I REFERENCED ;D

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