The Fault In Our Stars

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The Fault In Our Stars

A/N: ok so this is different and weird but I just got this idea. I'm just going to use quotes from TFIOS and make random scenes and if you don't like cheesy stuff leave now because oh lord.


You walked around the house quietly looking for your boyfriend. "Ash?" He'd usually be on the sofa watching some reality show but tonight he was nowhere to be found. "Ashton seriously! If this is a prank I'll freak. Don't scare me!" You turned on every light switch as you walked through the different rooms and hallways. You finally entered Ashton's bedroom and found him crawled up in a ball in a bundle of blankets. "Someone's cold, I see." You ran over to the bed, jumped on top of it and wrapped your arms tightly around him. "How you doin'?" You asked, happy to finally be with him and listen to his voice. When no voice replied, you rolled over him to see his face. His hands were holding the blanket tightly against his face. "Ash? Show me your face." You tried to pry his hands away from his eyes. "No." He rolled onto his stomach so his face was completely hidden from you. "Ashton, what's wrong?" You threaded your fingers through his hair and buried your nose into his cheek to try and get him to roll back over. "Babe.." You whispered in his ear. His chest started to shake and his hands gripped tighter onto the blankets. "Just look at me." You pleaded. He steadied his breathing and slowly turned to look at you. What you saw completely broke your heart. His normally bright eyes were red, swollen and glossy with tears. His nose was also red and his usual smile was replaced with quivering lips. You kissed them immediately. "What's wrong? You can tell me." You traced you thumb lightly over his cheek and jaw. He took a deep breath before he decided to tell you. "It's... Twitter." He dug from beneath his pillow and pulled out his phone to show you. Your eyes adjusted to the brightness on your screen and were immediately shocked with the terrible hashtags about Ash and the band that were trending. You snatched the phone from his hand, turned it off and hid it in the drawer beside the bed. You turned back to him and draped your arm over his waist. "You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you." You told him. He looked into your eyes. "They hurt me." He whispered. "You shouldn't let them. You are so perfect. And if they're trying to bring you down it obviously means you're above them." You tapped his nose lightly. "You're full of inspirational quotes aren't you?" He asked with a smile. "Just want to make you smile. And it worked." You kissed his now smiling lips. "What would I do without you?" He asked. "You'd get through it anyway. "


With your arm draped over his waist and your head resting in the crook of his neck, you and Calum were in bed discussing the important matters in life. "But I'm seriously scared to see what's after death. Like, are we nothing?" He asked you. "We can't be nothing. Our consciousness can't just cease to exist. It's not material so it can't break down. It's real so it can't disappear." You argued. "Damn. That was deep." He looked to you. "When we die, no matter who we are, what we are, when we are or where we are, you promise we'll try and meet each other?" He turned from laying on his back so he could stare you in the eyes. "Well that may be the cutest thing ever said in history. So yes, I'll be doing my mating call to attract your spirit." You said. He laughed quietly. As you laid there in his arms, more questions about the universe arose. "If we are together in the afterlife, how long is the after life? If our consciousness must exist, are we gonna be existing for the rest of eternity? Are we going to witness the oblivion of Earth? The universe? How long is eternity? What is infinity? Like, for that sub atomic particle over there," you pointed at a lamp, "this room is infinite." You blurted out quickly. He stared at you in complete awe before saying, "There are infinite numbers between 0 and 1. There's .1 and .12 and .112 and an infinite collection of others. Of course, there is a bigger infinite set of numbers between 0 and 2, or between 0 and a million. Some infinities are bigger than other infinities, Y/N." He said. "That is so true." You agreed. "But the greatest infinity of all is my love for you." He kissed the top of your forehead. "You're just using my midnight universe thoughts to say cheesy things." You buried your face into his chest. "But it's true."


Luke had just hours ago found out that his gir-Well now ex girlfriend had been cheating on him for months. You always knew that girl wasn't right for him, but you never said anything because he always looked so happy. Now looking at this boy crawled up in a ball with his head on your lap, you wish you would have. He was holding his breath and wiping his eyes frantically so you wouldn't have to see him cry. "You can cry, Luke." You placed your hand on his side. "I just wish you told me. It's not your fault. But I wish." He said through tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd do anything like this. It's just sick. You deserve a billion times better." You said. He turned around in his ball so that he could now look up at your face. "No I don't. I deserve to be cheated on." He went to turn back around before you practically shouted, "what?!" This startled him and he froze. "You dare say anything that stupid again and I'll slap you. I know how amazing you are and you deserve someone as equally amazing but no one like that exists because Luke Hemmings, you amaze me." He placed his right hand beside your thighs and pushed himself up so his nose was only centimetres from yours. "But you exist." He said. "No, I'm not as amazing as you." You smiled. "More, you're smart, hilarious, beautiful and that's why I'm always so nervous around you." He bit his lip ring waiting for your response. "You're not nervous around me." You laughed and placed a hand on his cheek which immediately burned red. "You can't feel my heart right now." He shook his head. "It's like when I'm with you, my thoughts are stars I can't fathom into constellations," he said. "Luke, how could anyone break your heart?" You asked, now completely mesmerised by his eyes. "I could never do that to you." You wiped away the tear that was threatening to roll down his cheek. "But still, it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you."


You and your boyfriend Michael were entangled in the strangest way on his sofa. You were watching 'The Ring' because it was decided months ago that Fridays were to be horror movie night. He was lying on his back with one leg over the top of the sofa and the other on the floor. One arm was behind his head and the other was holding you against his chest. The fact that you were lying on top of him with your ear against his chest made you lose complete focus on the movie. All you could hear was his heart beat and his lungs fill with air. "You know I love you, right?" He asked out of no where. You laughed. "Yes I do and I love you too," you replied. "But, like I don't just love you. I'm in love with you." He admitted and you rose slightly so you could look at him. "I'm in love with you too. To the moon and back." You laughed, tracing your thumb over his tattoo. "And forever?" He asked. "Forever." You said smiling. "But you really love me? Like you're not lying?" He asked. "I'm in love with you, Michael, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things." You replied. "Even when the sky is falling down?" He asked. You facepalmed. "Don't quote your own songs." He pouted. "Even when the universe ends? Even when hell freezes over? Even when there's just blackness and everything retur-" "Forever, Michael." You laughed at his rambling. He laughed with you and apologised. "Just making sure." He ran his fingers through your hair. You turned back to put your ear on his chest and hear his heart. The world slowly became out of focus and you closed your eyes. Just moments before you were to fall asleep, Michael's voice pulled you back into reality. "Forever, okay?" He whispered absentmindedly. "Okay."

A/N: I warned you of cheesiness I'm sorry. Hope you liked it anyway and if you did comment your favourite one :)

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