He Treats Your Child As His Own

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He Treats Your Child As His Own (Requested by lolaclifford)

A/N: sorry for keeping you waiting x ASHTON'S WAS SO FUN TO WRITE


"Ashton, I need you," you said over the phone. "Oh, really?" You could literally hear him smirking and you sighed, making him giggle. "Not like that. I need you to look after Jay," you said, referring to your six year old son. "Really? I'd love to!" He said in excitement. "Can you get over here asap? Stupid friend pinned this on me last minute and I'm freaking out," you blabbered. "I'll be there in ten minutes," he promised. You thanked him and sat in a ball of stress before he knocked on the door. You let him in and walked straight out, "thanks again Ash, you're the best!" You yelled as you ran for your car. Two hours later and you finally returned home, opening the front door and calling out, "Hey, Jay and Ashton. I'm home!" But there was no response. You put down your things and walked to both his and your bedroom, finding no one in either. You began freaking out. "Guys, where are you?!" You yelled. When there was still no response you decided to call Ashton's phone. A moment later you heard ringing coming from under your son's bed. "Damn it!" You heard Ashton say. You dropped to your stomach and stared at them hiding under the bed. "Really?" You asked and Jay giggled. "Nice view," Ashton commented, his eyes drifting downwards. You rolled your eyes and stood back up, "you better have not been teaching my son bad values," you warned. Ashton and Jay emerged from under the bed. "No, actually. But we had heaps of fun," Ashton nodded. "We played hide and seek and he taught me magic tricks and made me noodles and fixed the toy that was broken and then he showed me-" "Shh," Ashton placed a finger on your son's lips. You raised your eyebrows, "showed you what?" "Nothing!" They both said with cheeky grins. "Well I guess you've caused enough trouble, Ashton, you're job is done. Thanks again," you said. He smiled, "no problem, I'll see you guys later," he said goodbye. "No!" Your son exclaimed. "Can Ashton stay longer? He's so fun!" He pleaded. You sighed as they both stared at you with puppy dog eyes. "Fine," you agreed and they high-fived.


It was yours and Calum's wedding reception and Calum was currently dancing adorably with your three year old daughter. They were in the middle of the dance floor with everyone circling around them smiling and laughing. "You'd think it was his daughter, for sure," you heard from behind you. You turned around and saw who must be distant relatives or old friends of Calum. They smiled at you, "your daughter is beautiful," they commented. "And it seems Calum loves her almost as much as you do," your friend added to the conversation. "Probably just as much," you said and turned back to watch them. "Daddy!" She shouted as Calum picked her up and started spinning around. You couldn't stop the tears of happiness as you saw how much Calum adored her and how much she looked up to him. "Join us!" Calum shouted to you. You stepped onto the dance floor and hugged Calum who was still holding her, earning numerous 'aww's and photos being taken by your friends and families. "We're going to be the best family ever," Calum whispered to you. "She couldn't ask for a better father," you looked momentarily at her holding on tightly to his tuxedo. "And she has the most caring and unbelievably beautiful mother."


Luke, being your best friend, came and visited you and your one year old daughter a lot. Right now he was playing peak-a-boo with her as she sat in her baby seat. She giggled whenever he 'boo'd her, which you thought was the most adorable thing you'd ever seen. Watching Luke with her was kind of the most beautiful form of entertainment. Now he was making funny faces at her and pinching her cheeks. "Stop being amazing, she's going to end up liking you more than me," you joked. "I love her to bits," he said and you smiled, completely in awe of their relationship. Your favourite moments though was when he'd sing her to sleep. It was the mixture of his voice and watching your baby girl drift to sleep so peacefully to it that was just completely surreal. "I'm teaching her to like good music," he once said. "Can I buy her band shirts?" Oh my god she'd look so cute," he continued to ramble on. "Imagine she got a lip piercing like me," he said another time. "I'd rather not." These were the type of moments that caused you to fall in love with your best friend. You were so glad that your now three year old girl had the most amazing father figure growing up. You were also glad that their relationship got you the most wonderful, caring husband.


Your boyfriend Michael had invited you to join him on his band's tour for a bit. You said 'no' at first. Why? Because you had a four year old girl! He thought it might be fun if you both came along so she could experience and see more of the world. After a while of persuading you agreed, deciding to travel with them for two months. Michael didn't freak out when you dropped the child bomb on him, which was what you'd been so afraid of. Now, Michael had always been close to your daughter ever since they met, but their connection started growing unbelievably strong during the tour. You entered the tour bus with some ice cream both she and him begged you to get for them. Unfortunately you'd taken too long for their liking, and you found them asleep together on the sofa. "Oh my gosh," you whispered, unable to stop yourself from placing the ice cream on the table and taking a picture with your phone. The flash woke them both up. Your daughter sat up and saw the wrapped ice cream on the table. She cheered and grabbed them both, handing one to Michael and trying to open her own. She struggled with it for a moment before she turned to him. "Can you open it, daddy?" She asked him and your jaw dropped. He looked up at you and smiled. "Oh my god," he mumbled, taking the ice cream and opening it for her. You sat down beside them and placed your hand on Michael's arm. "She just called you what I think she did, didn't she?" You asked. Michael nodded, "that was like the best feeling ever," he admitted. "You would be a great dad," you said. "Really?" He blushed and looked back at your daughter, who had chocolate all over her face. "Yeah really, she loves you."

A/N: I CHANGED MY @ TO quotestyles!
Wey hey I changed my cover AGAIN. I get bored of things really quick, like the new one?

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